Would you buy your teenage daughter


New Member
Breast implants???

recent studies indicate the number of young women and teenagers getting implants has risen sharply, more so over the last two years (trying to find appropiate link). A high percent say they were a gift from her parents for graduating college etc.....
Surely at the age of 18 your body is still growing, developing? Wouldnt the best time to get implants if at all would be when the fun bags are knocking round your knees?

absophreakinglutely not. EVAR. As her mom, I don't care if she's hawt, I don't care if her boyfriend doesn't like her tits, and I wouldn't want any part whatsoever in ruining a chance at her breastfeeding later, or to risk harm/injury/illness or death for it. I will buy extra socks. :)

And yes, when you trip on them would be a good time I wager :lloyd:
I want'em...prolly will neve get them cause I do wanna beable to breastfeed when I have kids...
I have read that *if* you get a really good doctor and make him aware, and he agrees that it's important, he *should* be able to keep that possible.

But that'd be an awful lot of ifs for me.
Most doctors won't do them till a girl has reached a certain age, but as most things in America, that is easy to get around. If my daughter had a malformed breast (as I've seen on Health Chanel shows) that was causing discomert, as soon as she was of age I would let her get an implant in that one breast to match what the other has naturally grown to.

Otherwise, I would say no. I would help supply her with all the information that she would need to look at including how much SHE will have to pay for them when she turns of age to decide for herself and also the risks that are invovled.
If I had a daughter that wanted that
I'd get her mental counseling!

Or pay for the gazongas and help her get a job
as a stripper!
Inkara1 said:
Why? You honestly don't need them. Trust me on that one. :D

poy-voyt! :p

I would never fund my girl's job or allow her to have one done under age but when she's an adult its her body, her money... her stupidity! :shrug:

I don't agree with the Yank propensity for getting their 14 year old daughter rhinoplasty for their Birthday either... *shudder*

Who cares if the girl's got a slightly larger than average nose... its either cultural heritage (nowt to be ashamed of) or the result of being way too freaking thin! (eat and the lollypop with a handle effect will decrease!)
No. Hell no. Fuck no. Not in this life. I wouldn't buy them for my wife either.
you know what? i can only think of one reason that i would purchase implants for my child. reconstruction....whether it be from an accident or cancer or whatever.
but other than that i agree with kaz...my girls shouldn't need them.
Inkara1 said:
Why? You honestly don't need them. Trust me on that one. :D

Ditto. And that's Mega-boob man saying that.

But you can get implants that will not interfere with breast feeding. They cut under the armpit, and insert the implant between the breast and ribs. That way, all the good bits are still up front, and you get a much more natural feeling boob, that still works. Bigger scars, tho. And placement is an issue, since it's not right behind the nipple.

But, why would anyone want to? There's many other, easier ways to bust up. Having kids for one. The pill. Several creams that have actually worked in clinical tests, and even ringtones.
AlphaTroll said:
Hopefully any daughter of mine will be as blessed as me in that department and not require any implants :shrug:

We'll require pictures of that...just for educational purposes, mind you. :grinyes:

I have two daughters. My answer is not just no, it's HELL no. Reconstructive surgery, yes, but just to have bigger breasts? What a load of crap.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Only for reconstructive reasons. For pure vanity, hell no.

It's a no for me as well. Considering I had a reduction, there's no way a daughter of mine is gonna go bigger. If she wants it later on, no problem, her money, her body, her life. As long as she's living under my roof, it won't happen.
Mine got smaller after I had Alex and I am assuming the same will happen after Athena is born too. I want augmentation simply to put them where they are sposed to be. They sag a bit (which is hard to imagine as I am only a B) and sort of go out to the sides a bit. They would look bigger if they were in the right place.