Would you stop the war right now, if you could?


New Member
I'm just curious on this one. As I have said, I'm against the war, but still wouldn't choose to stop it, even if I could. What do you guys think, especially those of you against the war? Would you stop it? Or do you think its too late as well, and that it must simply run its course now?
No way. Saddam and his cronies have to go, once and for all.

I still say they should have sent in MI5 and taken him out, with his sons, nice and quiet like. Then, when they know he's gone, send in the army.
Being anti war prior to its beginning i'd say no. Especially considering how well it's been going.

*Just hope Syria doesn't do anything stupid.
O yeah I would through my self at the feet of americans as a human shield for the Iraqi regime screeming,

"Love not WAr,"

Only thing I would have to be careful of is the Iraqi fire aimed at my back when it is turned since it seems they have no care for their own people even and shoot them when trying to get to safety.

I highly doubt that most of the Iraqi people want Saddam to stay in power. What choice do they have when a gun is pointed to their head? In that case,

"Yeah we love love love Shaddam Shaddam Shaddam,"

in a Gomer Pile voice!

What do you think Iraq's major plans are anyway.

------->Hit Israel first chance they get with some nukes or hard core chemical weapons.

Europe says why do they need to do it if Iraq will do it for them. Their support has been under the table. Germany, France, Russia and China have been slipping Iraq technology, materials, and chemicals for quite awhile after 1991. Same goes for N. Korea trying to get goods to Iraq which we have intercepted. Its no wonder those four have been against any military action against Iraq. They got too much cash invested into their war machine.
*paces floor*

"what else can I do?" he thought, then added " if I haven't made my point by now..." :rofl2: