

New Member
11/22/03, 03:59pm <- my last post :S

I'm sorry :( But I've been very busy but I hope to be back this time for real :D

Things just haven't been good the last year or so... Hope to have fun with you guys again!
Nah.... I just got back into life... its kinda screwed up for me now and everything isn't be *right* for me so I decided to try to remember all the forums I went to a year ago when everything was good... and low and behold I returned.
Well, bookmark us, and we'll be easier to find.

Anything you care to discuss? Alot of times, if I talk out shit, I find someone able to help put it all into perspective. Or at least, find someone to yell at about it. I'm told that's good for your health ... yelling about problems. Not keeping it all in where it can gnaw at your innards.
Welcome back!'s like magic over the past coupla months...all the old, but not forgotten, posters coming outta the woodwork! :swing:
Bunch of stuff about my now ex-girlfriend who I was going to marry getting into a huge fight and now its over and a lot of shit about me not being able to go college and shit :( makes me so fucking angry that I can't goto college and stuff.... she caused a lot of it :(
Yeah, that's really the sort of stuff you need to yell and break stuff about. There's no real getting over that, just breaking through and getting it behind you.
Yea but she ruined my chance to goto college..... that really pisses me off.... I moved back to Ohio for her and then she just up and leaves me.... I would be in college right now in florida if it wasn't for her.
Yes but I was going to go to college in florida I was accepted and everything but I decided to move here.... now my residency is gone and now I have to start over.
Hmmm. By my personal reckoning, that's somewhere between having a nude photo of her blown up and posted on an interstate ad board, and heading her way with a 5lb maul.
Professur said:
Hmmm. By my personal reckoning, that's somewhere between having a nude photo of her blown up and posted on an interstate ad board, and heading her way with a 5lb maul.


There's actually a spanish site for such type of revenge, it's called my exgirlfriend nude. :lol:
Professur said:
See. It's not just me.;)

That or send a picture of her while performing you a blowjob to her parents, with a letter on the back:
"Mom, Dad, I'm doing great, college is great. I'm lacking a bit of money but I found a job that pays really good, I send you a pic of what I do to get the extra cash
