wtf?!?! no!!!


New Member
i just moved all my pictures off my harddrive and jumpdrive to my new portable hard drive. all my pictures.

then something happened ... i don't even know what ... but now when i plug in my portable hard drive, it says the USB Device is not recognized. I've tried to troubleshoot the problem, but I am hopeless ... :crap:
Emergency remedy: take apart the case, take the hard drive out and put it in your computer as a slave hard drive. It will certainly void the warranty, but I think you would agree the memories in the pictures are worth more than the drive's monetary cost.

that's a last resort, though.
Hook up that portable hard drive to someone else's computer and see if you get the same result.

Start with the easy things. It could just be software/drivers.
Oh man! That makes me kind of not so annoyed that my mom has her pics backed up on 3 devices.

But I've also had something similar happen to me a number of years ago. A harddrive crashed, rather, failed completely. Lost everything. Especially lots and lots of pictures.

Well I better get to archiving. :bolt:
i am a mac user, and here's my experience -
when i first got my mac, i hadn't gotten used to having to eject my drives yet, so i plugged in my portable hard drive to copy some things onto my new mac, and when i was done, i just pulled the usb thing out.... and completely corrupted my drive. i took it to compusa and they tried to get in it, but it was fuct.
i guess what i'm saying is...
a- did you eject your drive?
b- whatever the case, try taking it to a computer-fixity place, and seeing if they can get the stuff off of it (they should also be able to inform you in the unfortunate event that your drive is toast :( )
c- in the future, always back up your pictures on cd's or dvd's! after my experience, i always do, and it gives me a lot of peace of mind.
Ash, you're supposed to "eject" drives in windows too...for the same reason.
i thought so! and i always do now, personally, but my brother scoffs at me :( ahh well, he'll have a fried hard drive, and i won't
Um, don't forget, she's on a mac.

I'm not on a mac anymore ... that's the problem :D

I'm actually using a sony vaio (my work computer) ... it's a piece of crap. It's the worst computer I've ever had (and that's saying a lot 'cause the work computer before this was a dell and that was better than this vaio).