

molṑn labé
Staff member
Sitting there, typing a response to some left leaning illogical answer & POP!...a small fireball goes whizzing out of my case & everyting shuts down. I took the mobo out & inspected everything & hopefully it's only the powert supply (some cheapie). Nothing else looks burnt & there was no smell. Looks like my leisurely Saturday just got busy :(
Gonz said:
Sitting there, typing a response to some left leaning illogical answer & POP!...a small fireball goes whizzing out of my case & everyting shuts down. I took the mobo out & inspected everything & hopefully it's only the powert supply (some cheapie). Nothing else looks burnt & there was no smell. Looks like my leisurely Saturday just got busy :(

[cough] Karma[/cough]
Ya betcha there buddy boy. That's okay. I won't let left leaning bad karma keep me down too long.
Gonz said:
Ya betcha there buddy boy. That's okay. I won't let left leaning bad karma keep me down too long.

BTW, there's no such thing as karma. What goes around usually does not come around.
oops. Fireballs usually mean a further spread of damage, but not always. I'll keep my hopes up for ya.

Power supplies are not where you want to skimp, BTW. They have a disturbing tendency to take mobos and drives when they flame out, and cause all sorts of wierd shit if they just throw bad voltages.
New case &'s working. Haven't tested all but it's a good start.

Be nice or I'll see if GOD ALMIGHTY can find a minute or two :D


Mine's the red one. Dig the top. I've already got an 80mm in there sucking the bad vibes out.
... And that is exactly why you should clean the dust out of your PSU every once in a while.

Oh, and it wouldn't hurt if you'd stop bashing everyone on the left side of the political scales.