

Well-Known Member
Is anyone else getting annoyed by Lost and the constant pile up of puzzlements they keep adding on to the show?

I get it...its supposed to be suspenseful and they will take their time but its maddening...

watched 4 episodes, figured it ALL out, and never turned it on again

ok i didn't figure it all out, but I figure all you needed was a short guy yelling "the plane the plane" on bizarro world, and that was the show.
I was supposed to follow this show. Forgot the first ep, saw the second, then fled the country for a couple of weeks (had the VCR set to tape it), came home, never found time to catch up, and now I just try to avoid the horde of people who keep talking about how great it is..
paul_valaru said:
watched 4 episodes, figured it ALL out, and never turned it on again

ok i didn't figure it all out, but I figure all you needed was a short guy yelling "the plane the plane" on bizarro world, and that was the show.

I never turned it on the first time.
I never heard of it until you guys started talking about it.

I've been watching the Rome series on HBO. At least they can cuss, show nudity, and nasty combats unlike regular tv.
IDLEchild said:
yeah...though its testing my patience.

I Just might wait for the DVD to come out and skip the commercials.

That's why I TiVO the damn thing. Although, I'm now 4 weeks behind. Gotta sit down and catch up on those episodes.