
Well-Known Member
You know who you are!!

Tick tock til the Mittmentum washes the lib outposts clean.........

Our long national nightmare will soon be over!

Seems hard to believe it's been only been 4 years......
we ended up with barack because of palin's presence on the R ticket. if the Rs had run a similar dipshit (cain, perry, bachmann) they would not have the lead in the polls. many moderates are okay with mitt because he's not a shit-spewing imbecile.
If it hadn't been for Sarah Palin, McCain wouln't have gotten 40% of th epopualr vote
it was all part of the grand conspiracy, the Dems were supposed to be left holding the bag for the bad economy
steer the country to the left, now Mitt will pay lip service to righting the ship get undue credit for the economic
rebound, which will provide cover for not repealing Osambocare and the grand illusion will continue unabated
yeah grand illusion. maybe you should become an alex jones devotee. throw in some noam (puke) chomsky. 'cause you know THE CIA IS TRYING TO CONTROL YOUR BRAIN (and you are important enough to have their attention).