
Gonz said:
Gigantuan HI! My Name is ________ tags. Jeez, the GA schools use the blind or what?

Here we do the "say your name and one thing about yourself" all the way up until 10th grade or so as a first day of school ritual.
Gonz & Prof? That is the bus name tag. It says her name in big letters so that the bus driver can read it from the rear view and so the teachers that meet them at the bus can read it easy. It also says what class she belongs to.
Nix? Thanks :D
Tonks... in that first photo with the bus tag... it looks like it should be followed by a side profile photo with her holding the tag so it's visible by the camera.
Professur said:
So ... does this mean we can't use the phrase "go postal" any more?

HeHeHe.......I was about to go postal yesterday! LOL
They put me on the route and I did half and another guy did the other half, cus my regular was out. OMG...........Then came back to the office and had to go deliver an express out in gibip somewhere, using a map, before 3 pm and it was 20 of 3. Just crazy. But i did it and im going back for more punishment today.