Gato_Solo said:Yeeshbah is all-pervasive...
Leslie said:and it never goes away!
BeardofPants said:Does Yeeshbah wear pants?
Everybody needs pants.Gato_Solo said:Poor child. Yeeshbah is an ideal. A thought with force and power, hence Yeeshbah doesn't need pants.
ClaireBear said:Wow! What a "great" 5 minutes of my life!
Now... can someone please tell me what yeeshbah is!
I'm kinda thinking its like an "inner confidence, peace and high self esteme kinda thing... or is yeeshbah what ever you want it to be and mearly an exercise in self examination?... I mean searching... searching!
Raven said:YEESHBAH!
It will live on in our hearts Gato
(Raven=Hellboy from said forum )
ClaireBear said:If someone doesn't let me in on the yeeshbah... there's gonna be... I don't know but... it won't be good! *huff*
Gato_Solo said:Now, now...patience. You will never understand if you have no patience. After all...what is the sound of one hand clapping?