Yo ho ho and a bottle of....

chcr said:
Nixy, I'd like to help you out with a little on the job training but I'm really afraid of what my lovely wife would do to me. ;)

Ok, what kind of JOB do you think I have that it does/will involve body shots?!

Second, tonight I feel more like drinking the booze myself than having someone drink it off of me.

Thanks for the offer though :p
Nixy said:
Ok, what kind of JOB do you think I have that it does/will involve body shots?!

Second, tonight I feel more like drinking the booze myself than having someone drink it off of me.

Thanks for the offer though :p

Aww.... Don't want to be the real life coffee table?
I rarely drink any alcohol. Socially only and not typically at home. I prefer my kids have a sober Mom, as opposed to the kind I grew up with.
that's very admirable. my mom is like you, her parents had been alcoholics at some point or another, and so she avoids it too. sometimes she'll have a peach sour or something, but it's so rare for her to that when she actually does have a drink, we call it her "annual drink", lol.
i usually shun alcohol and all intoxicants, but every once in a while i let my hair down. for me, it really is my "annual drink".
Nixy said:
Ok, what kind of JOB do you think I have that it does/will involve body shots?!

Second, tonight I feel more like drinking the booze myself than having someone drink it off of me.

Thanks for the offer though :p
Nixy, Nixy, Nixy...

You don't drink the tequila off the young lady in question, you just lick the salt and the lime off of her. You may use your imagination about where one might put the salt and the lime.

Oh, and the "job" I was referring to has nothing to do with what you do for a living. :p
Well, I ended up having only one shot...it was more of a mellow night.

Also, I was stopped at a light RIGHT BESIDE Chris' mom's car earlier in the day and it kinda turned my stomach (Chris was in the passenger seat...I hope he didn't see me).
tonksy said:
Did she see you?
I ended up ditching the bourbon mojito, BTW.

Nah she was in the driver's seat...he was between us...his head was kinda turned toward me when I say him but I don't THINK it was turned enough to notice me (I was in my car which he's never seen so that was a bonus)...he then jerked his head the other way but he MIGHT have just been having a convo with her. As soon as I saw him I looked the other way so if he looked back he'd just see the back of my head...the back of a head in a strange car means nothing...so, I can only hope...
I can recognize someone with just looking the back of the head. It is a skill I developed (among other pattern detecting) because of my myopia.
Me too, Luis. I can recognize people by body shape and skin/hair tone, also profiles. Bad eyesight makes you adapt, I guess.