yooooooohoooooooo, unclehooooooobart!

Couldn't say what was being grown in the region for the most part as I was in the city. Everything leading up to for about 1000k sure as heck looked like wheat.
:lol: that's kinda what I figured. It's strengthening my resolve to never, never drive through or to Alberta. Corn is bad enough, but wheat? :retard:
I drove from North Portal, Saskatchewan to Edmonton via Regina and Saskatoon. It was 90% glass flat terrain. That was roughly 1300km.
nope. I holed up in Saskatoon. Day one was Atlanta to the last rest stop in South Dakota, about 20 miles from north Dakota. That was about 22 hours of driving.. 1300 miles. 3 hour nap in my tilted back drivers seat. Day 2, feeling iffy but stable. Drive into Fargo, ND and cut NW overland to Minot. It took about 8 hours of driving to hit the Canadian border. I was given a full 2 hour shakedown for intent and drugs.. and whatever. I probably looked spacy because I had driven for 30 hours on 3 hours sleep. I cross the border at about 10 am and make for Saskatoon... about 10 more hours up the road. I grab the first likely hotel, showered, passed out by 8pm. I got up and on by 5am. Day 3 was just a mild 400 mile drive to polish it off.
Yeah. I wonder what it would be to have a major expedition with 5 cranky souls all meshed into a tin can for a few 1000 miles. ...the horror.. the horror.

So if you wont do a major roadtrip, does that mean that I'm going to have to bite the bullet again and make the drive up there?
Or you could have a family of five converge on you for awhile, 3 boys sure can perk up a place :lol:

But if you come here, come in February, it's the most wonderful time of the year! :rolleyes: :D
Knowing my winter driving skills, I wouldn't make it to Michigan before I skimmed off into an icy ravine and the final reward.
When we fly down some year, we can make the kids bunk on the floor. :D

:lol: Ah, it's not that bad driving in winter, the problem is the people who drive like it's still July :retard: and avoiding them smashing into you. You'd really probably be better to stay within the city, though, more central to everyone else than I am, out in the boonies as I am.