You can do WHAT?

For the record, I can yank hangnails off my fingers without feeling any pain. It freaks people out to watch me do it. :D
I'm being serious...I can wiggle my eyes. Back and forth like they are about freaking people out... :silly:
I can alternately blink my left and right eyes in rapid succession. That freaks people out too. :D
One of the guys at work can solve a rubik's cube in 20 mins. Doesn't matter what combination you put it in for him, he's got it down in under 20.

Think a skill like that is useless? Think again. Lets just say, its a "party favor" for him.
Hmm... apparently when I post an animated gif, it converts it to png for the thumbnail but doesn't link to the original gif :(
steweygrrrr said:
how far can you get now?

Can't seem to get past lead. V2.0's got the first 10 locked in already. The first 5 really hooked her on the idea. I gave her a little rhyme to lock it in.

Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron.
I can remember all of these, coz I'm not a moron.
Mnemonics always help with things like that. How do you propose to get her through some of the metals though?