You knew the rules...

Professur said:
I saw that one coming.

So did he. He won't agree, and that's his business, but it's my opinion that it's not freedom if it only applies part of the time. Just an opinion, but I think you'll find history (when you can actually separate the wheat from the chaff) bears me out.
Hey, I'm on his side of the issue. Up here, women used to be allowed into bars, but not tavernes. Tavernes were men only. Now....

But my mother and wife both belong to a women's only gym, and that's alright????

I think everyone except the public service should have the right to be as racist, sexist, biased as they choose. If I choose to refuse a customer based on his colour ... well that's money outta my pocket, isn't it? Why should I be obliged to serve a black woman? Or some stinking easterner who hasn't figured out that taking a shower won't up his tax bill any? Or some theiving little snot nosed kid?

But the YWCA has the right to bar me from their facilities. The summer camp for girls has the right to refuse me as a summer councellor. The Negro college fund has the right to refuse my kid's application.
Professur said:
I think everyone except the public service should have the right to be as racist, sexist, biased as they choose. If I choose to refuse a customer based on his colour ... well that's money outta my pocket, isn't it? Why should I be obliged to serve a black woman? Or some stinking easterner who hasn't figured out that taking a shower won't up his tax bill any? Or some theiving little snot nosed kid?

Gato_Solo said:
Yep. I also remember when people actually abided by the rules of a private institution, instead of trying to circumvent them.

They are abiding by the decision. They aren't fighting it.
Then why have all the news services picked up on it, if it's a simple matter of a PRIVATE (I'll say it again, if you missed it that time) institution quietly resolving a rules issue with one of its (now former) members?

The obvious implication is that there's something wrong here. I'm with Prof and Gato. That's a steaming load of horseshit. As long as what I'm doing with a PRIVATE institution I run is legal, STAY OFF MY ASS. This is particularly poignant in light of the double standards we see every day, like the one Prof brought up.
The articles are all very short. Perhaps there is a journalist in California trying to make a stink out of nothing. I know, I know, thats illogical :rolleyes: especially in California. I agree, it's a private institution, follow the rules or get out. Notice there are no quotes from the child or the family, save the indirect quote noting they are not fighting the school.

Non story.
rrfield said:
The articles are all very short. Perhaps there is a journalist in California trying to make a stink out of nothing. I know, I know, thats illogical :rolleyes: especially in California. I agree, it's a private institution, follow the rules or get out. Notice there are no quotes from the child or the family, save the indirect quote noting they are not fighting the school.

Non story.
HomeLAN said:
This is particularly poignant in light of the double standards we see every day, like the one Prof brought up.

*is afraid to even comment on these issues. One branding a week is enough.
Why should I be obliged to serve a black woman? Or some stinking easterner who hasn't figured out that taking a shower won't up his tax bill any? Or some theiving little snot nosed kid?

I would say money but you mentioned that would be money out of your pocket. Otherwise if it is your business or you do it on your own then you have the right to refuse. It just may not be good for business.

So did he. He won't agree, and that's his business, but it's my opinion that it's not freedom if it only applies part of the time. Just an opinion, but I think you'll find history (when you can actually separate the wheat from the chaff) bears me out.

Agreed it is freedom all the time not part of the time. But I think you will strongly disagree with me if not have my head on a platter but

If it is freedom all the time then why isnt the school free to follow its own morals? You know where I stand on homosexual rights, but this is a private institution nonetheless it is religious as well and they feel the need to enforce the rules. I feel the girl is entitled to an education yes. But one where she can be accepted as can her parents.
No one is denying the girl an education. They are denying her one where she chooses to apply for admission. Big difference.
SouthernN'Proud said:
No one is denying the girl an education. They are denying her one where she chooses to apply for admission. Big difference.

Exactly what I was getting at though. She deserves an education where it will be accepted. Just because it is not at that school doesnt mean she will not get one. She might be able to apply to another private school or worse comes to worse then public school
What? Public school? Oh, the horror.

But she might be stigmatized there because of her parentage.....
The crumb snatcher we call a kidling goes to public school. We feel it is far more important that she learn to read and write than she learn how to be a snob, which is all the private schools here seem capable of producing. Not to mention her school's test scores are higher than the snob factory's. Like test scores matter.

What she don't get inside the hallowed walls, she gets from us. No fear there.
Down here, a private school is the better route to go educationally, providing you pick carefully. Cobb is probably one of the better systems in Atlanta, but it still sucks, and we're zoned for the worst elementary school of the lot.

So, I'm going private for the exact same reasons you're going public. Only difference is, I get to pay for private AND public, through my property taxes. Fucking yay.
I keep hearing that in the more metropolitan areas. I think the distinction shouldn't be public or private, but urban or rural. Seems to hold more consistency that way, huh?
...and here in a city that is neither rural nor urban, the public and private schools are about equal...hmm...
Professur said:
I saw that one coming.

So did I. But, if you notice, he completely disregarded the words 'Private Club'. He also tried, unsuccessfully, to link two completely different things. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. He's completely ignored that little bit, and played the race card because he has no moral leg to stand on. It's the one thing he could've done to make his argument seem strong, but a lifestyle choice is not a race. Sorry. Your argument is not valid.
ash r said:
2: there might not have been a male actively involved, as in the case of artificial insemination.

Sperm is now available in vanilla & chocolate? Is it still 100% natural?
chcr said:
I guess that'd be back when blacks and jews weren't allowed in "better" clubs, huh?
Assuming those clubs don't take federal monies, that should still be the case.