You wanted an exit strategy?

Gonz said:
Terrorism wasn't a worldwide phenomena 10, 20, 50 years ago. There were isolated incidents & everybody ignored them. YOU allowed the ME & other areas to get into the shape they're in now. YOU & YOUR ideologies said play nicely & there'll be peace. Don't piss 'em off & they won't harm us.

YOU WERE WRONG. YOU ARE WRONG TODAY. You'll be sorry tomorrow.

Don't say I didin't tell you so.

EXCUSE ME! I believe you're beloved REAGEN/BUSH team ARMED ALL THESE ASSHOLES. They were using you're " the enemy of my enemy..." theory...REMEMBER.
Armed them all? They had arms long before the SOVIET UNION attacked Afghanistan.
:rolleyes: So...we didn't arm Iraq when they fought Iran ....Or osama when he was keeping that oil pipeline from the Russians....Sorry. I must've been confused....NOT!
No, we didn't arm Iraq. We also didn't arm Iran. We did not arm AL Qaeda. We did not arm anybody. We suppiled a counter balance from our old stocks. Had Iran won that war we'd probably be in worse shape than we're in now. Had the Soviets been allowed to overthrow Afghanistan they may still be around.
Gonz said:
No, we didn't arm Iraq. We also didn't arm Iran. We did not arm AL Qaeda. We did not arm anybody. We suppiled a counter balance from our old stocks.

I..... you..... but..... that's.......

(to everyone else) Did he say that with a straight face?
OK all you smartasses, they had their own arms before we got involved. Thus, we didn't arm anybody. Had they not had them to begin with then you could say we armed them. :finger:
:shrug: Then I guess all this talk about Sadam arming or supporting terrorists is all bullshit too...They also had arms and support before he supposedly did it. :finger:
Supporting terorism & supplying terrorists with additional wepaons is not allowed under charter from your savior, the UN.
I find it absolutely amazing how you all wanted this & now you're unhappy. You're finding excuses for leaving & you found excuses to not go in & you bitched about us being there.

What the hell do you want? Another spineless self absorbed egomaniac that will piss in your cornflakes & tell you he understands your pain? Maybe somebody that'll run double digit inflation, double digit unemployment numbers & double digit interest rates & make us look foolish & weak?

I prefer somebody that wants to end terrorism in their backyard, not mine.
Don't blame us...We're the ones who wanted the questions answered BEFORE our troops died....You and yours were the ones promising the rose garden...
Gonz said:
I find it absolutely amazing how you all wanted this & now you're unhappy. You're finding excuses for leaving & you found excuses to not go in & you bitched about us being there.

What the hell do you want? Another spineless self absorbed egomaniac that will piss in your cornflakes & tell you he understands your pain? Maybe somebody that'll run double digit inflation, double digit unemployment numbers & double digit interest rates & make us look foolish & weak?

I prefer somebody that wants to end terrorism in their backyard, not mine.
1. I am neither happy nor unhappy, what is happening is exactly what I expected. As I said, it has happened before, it will happen again.

2. George W. Bush is a self absorbed egomaniac (different style than the last one, but at the risk of repeating myself, not all that different). I'm not sure you can become president in America anymore without being one.

3. Ending terrorism. Yeah, okay. If that's what you think he's doing.

PS for freako. I think you misunderstand. The world was not better when I was young, it's better now. There is more freedom, a higher standard of living and we don't worry each and every day if today will be the day the nuclear war starts. Sorry, Dubya, noo-cue-lar.:D
i said at the outset of the conflict in iraq that one of my main concerns was that iraq would be allowed to rot the way that afghanistan has. sadly i think the coalition forces failed to correctly set themselves a realistic strategy for securing and rebuilding iraq - the focus was on the straightforward entry and winning the war.

i don't think the coalition forces should leave early as the chances are the situation will unravel and any formed government will lack credibility and be a potential target for attacks. worse still it could be a puppet for the coalition governments.

sadly, the one organisation with experience of working in difficult, insecure and unstable countries, forming governments and working with people on the ground, is the united nations. unfortunately there are many who see the organisation as useless and discredit it at every turn, failing to acknowledge that there is something of value in the experiences of those who have long worked in similar situations.

that is not to say that if the un had been offered a more involved role and been given the opportunity to share their knowledge that anythign would have been different. there were certainly analysts i saw on tv, radio and in press who expressed surprise in the methods used by the coalition, being aware that they were not ones known, through experience, to be viable and successful.

iraq was a convenience and now has a vital role in the war on terror - if the us and uk governments could make more enemies than friends in this venture and could propogate the same ill feelings they wish to bring an end to.
chcr said:
2. George W. Bush is a self absorbed egomaniac (different style than the last one, but at the risk of repeating myself, not all that different). I'm not sure you can become president in America anymore without being one.

oh I think you way overestimate the man. You cant be an egomaniac when you are a simple common idiot. I guess thats why I cant really hate Bush and demonize him. Every time I see him and every time I hear him speak he reminds me of a kid dressing up like an adult and trying to pull it off. I have much more venom for Chaney and some of the hawks and big business fat cats he surrounds himself with.
— Bill of rights, to include freedom of speech, legislature, religion; statement of equal rights of all Iraqis, regardless of gender, sect, and ethnicity; and guarantees of due process.
Statement that Fundamental Law cannot be amended.
An expiration date for Fundamental Law.

My first reaction is: [sarcastic voice]Well, at least they're not trying to make Iraq over in our image[/sarcastic voice]
Please. You don't really think that will happen, do you? They don't want freedom of religion. The Shi'ites hate the Sunis, the Sunis hate the Shi'ites, they both hate the Ba'athists and none of them trust us. Does no one pay attention? I don't know which possibility is sadder, that they expect us to believe this stuff or that they're really stupid enough to think it will work.

Maybe the saddest thing, Gonz, is that you don't seem to realize that this is exactly the reason why the rest of the world seems against us.
Why can't it work? These people haven't evolved enough to make freedom possible?

Holy shit Batman, we have people from every single possible tribe & continent living side by side without wars, famine & disease eating at their very souls. If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere. If "the world" is pissed because we want to spread freedom & capitalism, well, fuck 'em. It works & it works for everybody.