Your( a proud OTC member) ass is going to prison..all of you.

Rose said:
w000t! I don't feel so bad now. :D You all are MUCH worse than lil' ol' me!! :D

/me is Miss Innocent with the slightly Southern accent :D

Mince meat pie Rose, you no thos lil fruity pies you get at Xmas. And mince is normally mader of pork beef or lamb. Its like shredded meat.

[souther]wah I do declayare Rose thinks that she is in-no-cent! Thaht is a god arful lah[/southern]
No its made from fruit but its called mincemeat for some reason...

Arris technically its legal for me to shoot you this sunday with a bow if I ever run into you in York
but you just said there's meat in it. So it's a fruity meat pie? :s Doesn't sound appealing at all.
It's made with suet and shit. Not shit... you know? Shit.

Either way - your loss, they're delicious. :)
suet? Isn't that just fat? I think that's the stuff we put in bird food over here.
PuterTutor said:
suet? Isn't that just fat? I think that's the stuff we put in bird food over here.

bird food suet is the only suet I know.

Hrm, that's not the wotd is it?
No its suet and orange bits and currants and raisins and stuff and I was telling you what a mince pie and real mince is
OK, everyone, remind me never to move to Minnesota or Indonesia. Thanks. :beerbang:

HEY! What's wrong with Minnesota?????
When I click the link for this it comes up all black. WTF??? :confuse2:
Is this quiz against MAC users or something????