Your first...

That would have to be John Taylor of Duran Duran... Although I liked boys before that, he was the first one that I envisioned marrying and taking his last name. :D
Claire Danes, cause she reminded me of this one hot chick that went to my school.

*runs after miki, nixy, scanty, and leslie* :brow:
Scanty said:
Trish Taylor does sound good. :D

It's funny, back then, everyone called me Tricia. So I thought that I would have everyone start calling me Trish so it would sound better with my new last name.

My boyfriend's last name is Cage so that would make me Trish Cage when we get married. Doesn't sound that great, right? So it looks like I'm going back to Tricia. :)
My sister's married names were big transitions. I have a nice, short, two syllable last name. Both my sisters went to 4-5 syllables when they got married. :p
he is the one that sold me that gazebo

sorry that was from kids in the hall. buti guess none of you guys would know that :(
i must have missed that kith, i have a few on video but they've been off tv here a while :(
comedy central was showing reruns. during the day now they are all at 3am :(

too bad it isn't the full clip with the part to which i am am refering.
sadly, comedy central isn't available on my cable provider.

i've just realised while watching empire strikes back that carrie fisher in the gold bikini from jedi was sadly my earliest crush...