your ghetto rig


Not really Banned
come on, i know all you hardcore computer junkies have at least one ghetto-rigged box laying around, so be proud of your lunacy and post pics!
this particular box is my router, i decided that the cpu fan was too loud, hence the case fan suspended with a notebook spiral, string, wax , and electrical tape. dead floppy controller, one dead hdd, one dead cdrom, but it routes packets between the internet and both my networks and runs distributed, and soon will be running dns, mail, and vnc. btw, it's a p-200, 96M, 6G.



The rig in my "Damn Screws" thread some parts are held together with tape, half the screws are missing, half the screws that are there came from a JVC amp, I have tons of messy wires in it...
There's my video card. Can't see it very well but the thing below it is a slot fan, and it's the thing holding up the card, because there's no bracket for the card to be screwed into the case. As a bonus, it also acts as the surrogate fan :beerbang:


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PSU (that is a case fan inside it because the fan that came with it broke, and yes, those are the wires from the case fan coming out of the open side of it)


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