Your name Statistics

Lissa is the #1959 most common female name. 0.003% of females in the US are named Lissa.Around 3825 US females are named Lissa!

My last name is the #28981 last name in the US
kerry-anne is a very rare female name.
Very few females in the US are named kerry-anne.
Be proud of your unique name!

kerry is the #452 most common female name.
0.031% of females in the US are named kerry.
Around 39525 US females are named kerry!

kerry is the #346 most common male name.
0.036% of men in the US are named kerry.
Around 44100 US men are named kerry!

Thats a little wrong coz according to this more guys have my name than girls :eek:

and finally

p***** is the #197 most common last name.
0.052% of last names in the US are p*****.
Around 130000 US last names are p*****!
Robin is the #375 most common male name.
0.032% of men in the US are named Robin.
Around 39200 US men are named Robin!

Daniel is the #12 most common male name.
0.974% of men in the US are named Daniel.
Around 1193150 US men are named Daniel!

G********* is a very rare last name.
Very few last names in the US are G********.
Be proud of your unique last name!
Celia is a very rare male name.
Very few men in the US are named Celia.
Be proud of your unique name! :lol:

Celia is the #371 most common female name.
0.044% of females in the US are named Celia.
Around 56100 US females are named Celia

alixandria is a very rare female name.
Very few females in the US are named alixandria.
Be proud of your unique name

lawton-livingstone is a very rare last name.
Very few last names in the US are lawton-livingstone.
Be proud of your unique last name

I always knew I was unique! :D
RE: name statistics

rebecca is a very rare male name.
Very few men in the US are named rebecca.
Be proud of your unique name!

rebecca is the #34 most common female name.
0.43% of females in the US are named rebecca.
Around 548250 US females are named rebecca!

whew!!!! that was close