Your OTC roommates

admit it hex, you'd love to room with me. we could drink a few beers, watch some tv and kill each other 6 times a day :D :D
dang - I forgot about ! I'd love him to be a roommate ...

and I didn't say I didn't want to pick you, ku'u ... hello, we live together already .. so does that mean I get 5 and you get 5 and we all live together? :D
I wouldn't mind having you for a roomie, lacey, but some people here would frown on picking a 14-year old as one. hehe.
well ris...i know i'd rather be fighting with you than listening to some of these other people talking my ear off all day. At least the conversation would be interesting.
Roommates are generally a bad thing(even with your best friends). Kinda like war.
I add fury and PT to my list of Jon, Squiggy and Na

I did NOT pick Prof because he is too Dad like...
Well.. HomeLAN and I have done the roomie thing long ago.. and we did perfectly fine. So I know hes good for the list.
greenfreak said:
I so wanna make fury a man. And the other ladies are allowed to assist me. :brow:

ok ok i know he was "made a man" already but I can dream can't I?

* is liking that dream :brow: