Your source for News?


New Member
Where do you get your news? Do you use online news sites, watch the local news, listen to the radio? NPR, MSN, CNN? Newsphobe?

I have my homepage set to which is where I follow up on most the world's happening's. I try not to get too much news in my system as it's generally ... all bad. *hehe* But I don't like to be left under a rock, either.
I read The Fresno Bee (the local paper) every morning. I also try to catch the 10 O'Clock News and the 11 O'Clock news if I can, and I have "my yahoo" customized in just the right way to show me what I want to know. Also, sometimes when I'm at work my boss has talk radio on, which is how I first heard about that old man running over a bunch of people at a Farmer's Market in Santa Monica.
bbc news here, generally they are the best of a bad lot. i'll watch channel 4 news as well for the quality of analysis and debate.
Rose said:
Ha! Thank you. Maybe I glimpsed it previously which gave me the notion .... *hehe* :D

its cool theres been a lot of older threads coming back and a few repeat threads. mine is usually radio or television. i also read newsweek
I'd have to say OTC mainly. I look here, if it's interesting, I go read it.
Honestly, I watch ABC News most evenings, BBC world news on PBS to get another slant on international stories, and I read Rueters website a couple of times a week. Like PT says, if anything interesting shows up here, I read that. My big thing is that all news is biased in some way by those who present it (intentionally or un-) so I frequently check various news orginizations on the same story to see if I can figure out the actual truth.
Rose said:
Where do you get your news? Do you use online news sites, watch the local news, listen to the radio? NPR, MSN, CNN? Newsphobe?

Yes. (well not those murdering bastards at CNN but otherwise yes)
local cable news, web sites of local papers, and CNN's website. occasionally i'll actually read a newspaper.