Your spiritual health...


Too cute for words
Suggestion for your spiritual health.

Sept. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Al-Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman Ayman al-Zawahiri, issued a videotape today urging Americans to become Muslims, a suggestion President George W. Bush's administration called ``an attempt to subjugate.''

1. Yeah, I'm really likely to embrace Islam. Of course my lovely wife will cut my nads off when I try to make her wear a burqa.

2. "Attempt to subjugate?" Okay Dubya. If you say so. :rofl: is an attempt. A useless & ridiculous one but an attempt all the same.
yeah an "attempt" by a virtual 12 year-old who's just following along with the social club he got goaded in to.

and the muslim guy, too.
Christie Parell, a White House spokeswoman, said the terrorist group's ``latest tape, if authentic, reflects al- Qaeda's continued attempt to subjugate the world under its twisted view of Islam, which labels as enemies and infidels those who do not have the same beliefs.''
I'll remain an enemy and infidel, thank you.
Peace be upon you, unless you're a Christian
A Christian man is recovering from a beating that left him with a broken collarbone and dislocated shoulder after he drank water from a glass reserved for the poor at a construction site in Pakistan.

The report comes from Voice of the Martyrs, the Christian aid organization with a vision for working around the world to help those who are facing persecution for their Christian faith.

The report said Nasir Ashraf, a Christian stonemason, was working on the construction of a room at a school near Manga Mandi outside of Lahore when he got thirsty and took a break.

"He drew water and drank from a glass chained to a cemented public water tank next to a mosque, which was reserved for 'all' poor people," the VOM report said. "Returning to the construction site, a Muslim man asked him, 'Why did you drink water from this glass since you are a Christian?'"

The man then accused Nasir of polluting the glass, yanked the glass off the iron chain, broke it and threw it in a garbage can.

He also summoned other militant Muslims nearby.

"This man polluted our glass," he told them.

The result was an incensed mob that beat Nasir, yelling that a "Christian dog" drank from their glass.

Bystanders encouraged the beating, because it would be a "good" deed that would help them in heaven, the report said.

"The attackers pushed Nasir off a ledge onto the ground, and the fall dislocated his shoulder and broke his collarbone in two places," the VOM report said.

He was unconscious until he was taken to a clinic, the report said, and the physician who said some people had brought him in also told him never to make that mistake again.

Nasir's father took him home and a VOM representative was alerted so that VOMedical could help with his medical treatment and recovery, officials said.

VOM was launched by Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, who wrote "Tortured for Christ" about his experiences representing Christ in war-torn Europe. His testimony, and ministry's work, has spread around the globe.

WND is an attempt. A useless & ridiculous one but an attempt all the same.

On both ends yes. Bush wants us all to fall in line behind him and bite on every word he says. Bin Laden wants us dead or Muslim. Neither appeals to me
No. I would rather believe and be true to my beliefs. And I don't trust Bush in power. None of the options I mentioned I support
What happens when the terrorists don't allow you your beliefs? Bet you'd wish you'd thought differently.
No then I would be dead. And no I won't be thinking differently. Both sides are playing this join us or against us crap. Which means neither side will be worth being on. Since neither would have freedoms to think for oneself
Wow, are you deluded on that one.

What, exactly, will Bush force you to think?
That they are the only ones subjugating us. He himself has said if you aren't with us you are against us. Which is pretty much how Osama must feel. After all he kills indiscriminately. Bush went to Iraq rather than Saudi Arabia. How am I deluded when I say neither side wants us to have rights? Both sides are guilty of it.
What rights has GW taken from you?

Either you're with us or you're against us. You are willing to fight for peace & prosperity for everybody or you are willing to die for totalitarianism.

Works for me.
What happens when the terrorists don't allow you your beliefs? Bet you'd wish you'd thought differently.

Substitute the word terrorists for the words "New North Amaerican Super Alliance Leaders", and you make so many of my points for me, ya know...

As to the point at hand which I do not wish to derail beyond just that one little barb in Gonz' direction, this type discussion is getting really old. So I am going to say this one more time, in bold letters, for posterity sake.


We are fighting a holy war. We are fighting zealots. We are fighting religious fanatics who gladly die in the name of their deity. Do you understand this so far? Let that sink in for a minute.

Now continue.

These people want us dead. They are not interseted in discourse. They are not satisfied with appeasement. You can NOT appease a zealot. They are not impressed with how open-minded you are. They could not care less that you voted for Kerry, that you oppose Bush, that you sympathize with them, that you didn't want soldiers in Iraq at all. That matters nothing to them. What does matter to them is one thing, and one thing only. You are an infidel/American. Based solely upon that classification, you must die. Period dot semicolon end of discussion.

Unless and until we quit trying to be politcal correctness zombies and come to terms with who we are fighting, we will lose. When we lose, we die. If your life is worth trying to reason with these madmen, then go right ahead. Me, I prefer to blow their collective asses to Neptune before they get me in sight of a rifle. Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out. It is precisely what they wish for me, is it not? May they receive the same karma in kind.

Blow a hole. Now. Big'un. Make a crater you could fit the Grand Canyon, the Caspian Sea, AND the continent of Australia inside. Do it before dark, Baghdad time, tonight. End of threat.

Any questions? Didn't think so. We now return you to your pointless mental masturbation already in progress.
Substitute the word terrorists for the words "New North Amaerican Super Alliance Leaders", and you make so many of my points for me, ya know...

As to the point at hand which I do not wish to derail beyond just that one little barb in Gonz' direction, this type discussion is getting really old. So I am going to say this one more time, in bold letters, for posterity sake.


We are fighting a holy war. We are fighting zealots. We are fighting religious fanatics who gladly die in the name of their deity. Do you understand this so far? Let that sink in for a minute.

Now continue.

These people want us dead. They are not interseted in discourse. They are not satisfied with appeasement. You can NOT appease a zealot. They are not impressed with how open-minded you are. They could not care less that you voted for Kerry, that you oppose Bush, that you sympathize with them, that you didn't want soldiers in Iraq at all. That matters nothing to them. What does matter to them is one thing, and one thing only. You are an infidel/American. Based solely upon that classification, you must die. Period dot semicolon end of discussion.

Unless and until we quit trying to be politcal correctness zombies and come to terms with who we are fighting, we will lose. When we lose, we die. If your life is worth trying to reason with these madmen, then go right ahead. Me, I prefer to blow their collective asses to Neptune before they get me in sight of a rifle. Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out. It is precisely what they wish for me, is it not? May they receive the same karma in kind.

Blow a hole. Now. Big'un. Make a crater you could fit the Grand Canyon, the Caspian Sea, AND the continent of Australia inside. Do it before dark, Baghdad time, tonight. End of threat.

Any questions? Didn't think so. We now return you to your pointless mental masturbation already in progress.

I dispute this. And I'll dispute it 'til I'm cold and in the grave. The people you discribe exist, but they make up only a tiny fraction of the muslim/arab population. Their leaders, on the other hand .....

But following your logic, they should want to kill us all for what our leaders have proclaimed. Declaring genocide on a people based on what the media carries across your tube ??? I thought you were smarter than that, SnP.

People are sheep. They don't have the mental capacity to deal with the world at large. Neither in the Middle East, nor here on this side of the Atlantic. Hell, just look at the Real World forum to see how, even here, two people can read the same news about the same event and make up unjustifiable opinions and be perfectly willing to fight to defend them.

I've said it before, the arab tribes are anything but unified. Given half a chance, they'd happily go to war on each other. Their leadership is using the west as a demon to unite their factions and stop them killing each other. Jsut like Christians did during the Crusades.

Guns won't win this war. Politics won't win this war. Education won't win this war. The only thing that will win this war ...... is marketing. Send in 5000 PR managers to Iraq and let them go to work. Within six months, the average arab will be so totally oblivious to the US ......