Your thoughts on porn...

unclehobart said:
Why do you refer to people who tie you naked to a tree against your will and take pictures as friends?

If some "friends" of mine had done that to me, I don't think they would have liked me anymore by the time they got my clothes off. :eh:
If my "friends" did that to me, it owuld be time for them to visit my friend, Mr. Colt M4A1.
Jerrek said:
I just had an extremely disturbing thought... They took pictures of me... No I didn't agree, but they did it anyways. Could that be considerd porn? I mean, the bondage, nudity, and err, ... the usual when a girl stares at your crotch... I got the pictures alright, and they probably do too (even though they told me they will "destroy" it)... *frown* This is rather disturbing me now. :eek:

thats what you get for kissing them against their will you sick freak
Ardsgaine said:
If some "friends" of mine had done that to me, I don't think they would have liked me anymore by the time they got my clothes off. :eh:

I'm sure there are many people with a weird penis, don't worry. :p
Luis G said:
Ardsgaine said:
If some "friends" of mine had done that to me, I don't think they would have liked me anymore by the time they got my clothes off. :eh:

I'm sure there are many people with a weird penis, don't worry. :p

None of my buisness, but sounds like ya think Ards has a weird willy?(

j/k L :D
That's the only thing i can think after reading his comment ( I don't think they would have liked me anymore by the time they got my clothes off.)

:D :D
Luis G said:
That's the only thing i can think after reading his comment ( I don't think they would have liked me anymore by the time they got my clothes off.)

:D :D

Nah... it had more to do with the bloody noses and black eyes I would infict on them than the extreme weirdness of my penis.

I freely admit that the curvature is a bit odd but it's good for getting to those hard to reach places.
Aunty Em said:
I'd really like to know why there are so many little girls of 8 and 9 walking around in fashions I wouldn't put on a sixteen-year old because they are too damn tarty? It isn't their mums who are doing it, it's what the kids want.
Uh 8 or 9 year olds can go buy these 'latest fashions'? It is their parents encouraging them by buying these outfits for them. Its their parents not saying "I don't care if that's what Britney Spears wears, you're not Britney Spears and You're not wearing that, and I'm not buying it for you. And if I ever see you wearing anything like that, I will take that article of clothing off you and throw it away and make you wear something else" (wow long run-on sentence). I blame the parents for not saying no. I blame society for making the parents not say no (over here, in the US, it seems that these days you do whatever it is you can to please the child so they don't cry or scream).

Personally, I wear jeans (Flares would be my style :D hug the hips and you know....flare out after the knee), tee shirts and tank tops, and sweaters. In the winter i'm as non-sexual as you can get in what i wear. In the summer, I like to show off my arms, and currently am looking for any excuse to show off my cleavage (that i discovered that i owned about 4 months ago :D, yes it's rocking :D:D:D ;))

On topic : I like porn, but perfer erotica ;) And perfer if it's matierial that I get to read :D :$ Also, people who tye you to a tree, strip you naked and take your clothes (or do only one of those things except stripping you naked) are not your friends :p
wow this thread is old but it does bring back memories. i blame parents who spoil their kids like nacky does. parents should come in somewhere and not let the kids dress that way unless the child is old enough to make their own decisions.
freako104 said:
wow this thread is old but it does bring back memories. i blame parents who spoil their kids like nacky does. parents should come in somewhere and not let the kids dress that way unless the child is old enough to make their own decisions.
Well, then if that happened they'd be making them since they were 2...;)

I think the parents should come in and say that this is what the kid wears and if the kid wants something else, they'll have to get a job and earn the money to pay for it. That's what my dad would do.
Wacky Nacky said:
Well, then if that happened they'd be making them since they were 2...;)

I think the parents should come in and say that this is what the kid wears and if the kid wants something else, they'll have to get a job and earn the money to pay for it. That's what my dad would do.

not really. how many kids do you know at that age are cognisent enough to make that kind of decision that was why i said what i did
I don't give a rat's ass if my 15 year old bought it herself or not, if it's not appropriate, she don't wear it.
freako104 said:
not really. how many kids do you know at that age are cognisent enough to make that kind of decision that was why i said what i did
True, but they could be choosing what's in style? :shrug: As I remember when I was younger I used to pick out clothes that I thought were "cool" and what older people would wear.
PuterTutor said:
I don't give a rat's ass if my 15 year old bought it herself or not, if it's not appropriate, she don't wear it.

I knew there was something I liked about you.
