Zero Tolerance = Zero Intelligence


Once again its gone a bit too far...:disgust2:

Girl Suspended from School for Saying 'Hell'

Feb 5, 7:46 am ET
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - A second-grade girl from Pittsburgh was suspended this week from her public elementary school for saying the word "hell" to a boy in her class.

But 7-year-old Brandy McKenith says she was only warning the boy about the eternal comeuppance he could face for saying: "I swear to God."

"I said, 'You're going to go to hell for swearing to God,"' Brandy was quoted as saying in an article that appeared on the Web site of the Pittsburgh Tribune Review on Wednesday.

School officials were unavailable for comment. A Pittsburgh Public Schools spokeswoman told the newspaper that the student code prohibits profanity but does not provide a clear definition of what profanity is.

The girl's parents, who said they believed their daughter's version of the story, were flabbergasted by the suspension and complained to the school principal.

"Kids are bringing guns and knives to school. ... They've got dope. And we're worried about 'hell'?" said her father, Wayne McKenith.

Meanwhile, the incident drew the attention of civil liberties experts as far away as New York.

"There was no threat and the word was being used in its intended way, not in a vulgar manner," civil liberties attorney Christopher Murray said in a statement distributed by his New York law firm.
Man, times are really changing :(

I remember saying to one of my teachers "Fuck off you ginger bearded bastard, if you spit on me again I'll throw you through the fucking window" (he was one of those annoying types who have no control over there saliva while in a screaming rage)...........and I only got a coupla days detention from the headmaster :shrug:
Oz said:
Man, times are really changing :(

I remember saying to one of my teachers "Fuck off you ginger bearded bastard, if you spit on me again I'll throw you through the fucking window" (he was one of those annoying types who have no control over there saliva while in a screaming rage)...........and I only got a coupla days detention from the headmaster :shrug:


Yeah I told a teacher to fuck off and got away with a bollocking from the head of year.

Guess the UK is a little different...
Gotnolegs said:

Yeah I told a teacher to fuck off and got away with a bollocking from the head of year.

Guess the UK is a little different...
i told my science teacher that if he didn't take his hand off my thigh i was going to jam his pocket protector up his left nostril....nothing happened :shrug:
Funny. I never did anything like that to my teachers. My brother did throw a desk at one once, tho. Maybe that explains why they gave me a wide berth.
:rolleyes: this is too much. shit I said hell and fuck in school. during discussion. christ what the hell happened to America?
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - A second-grade girl from Pittsburgh was suspended this week from her public elementary school for saying the word "hell" to a boy in her class.

Well that's rather shitted.
Oz said:
Man, times are really changing :(

I remember saying to one of my teachers "Fuck off you ginger bearded bastard, if you spit on me again I'll throw you through the fucking window" (he was one of those annoying types who have no control over there saliva while in a screaming rage)...........and I only got a coupla days detention from the headmaster :shrug:


First time I swore at a teacher was in gr. 6 when I was 12 - he had a habit of throwing lemons etc at us if we were talking in his class and so on. The kids at the group of desks next to our group kept making a noise & the stupid idiot kept throwing his lemons at our group. Hit me once & I thought yeah OK, maybe he just missed....second time I gave him a dirty look........third time I told him "Stop throwing things at me you fucking barbaric c*nt or I'll have my dad rearrange that snot for brains face of your's" (hehe - daddy was still a boxer back then & my hero).

In highschool our guidance councellor misplaced the entire class' files & blamed us for it (said we took it home). So he went around & gave everyone a hiding with a plank (about 4cm thick & 6cm wide) - guys on their bums & girls on their hands. When he hit me the plank broke (had a helluva red welt on my hand & he actually broke the skin - felt like my damned hand was gonna come off at the wrist). So I got up, looked him in the eye & said "Don't ever touch me again.......if you do I will shove that plank so far up your fucking arse you'd need a dentist to remove it".........he threatened to send me to the principle for I threatened that I'd go the to press & expose him as a sadistic ponce who takes pleasure in physically abusing the kids in his class......never did get that detention :D

Hell, I even used explitives in my essays - never got hassle about it because it was in context - guess my language teachers were rather progressive :eh: