Zip File Problem


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Ok, I've got this Zip file, this zip file contains an ISO file, the problem is, when I go to extract it, it gets almost done, I mean to the last box in winzip, and then says CRC error. Now, I've gone out of winzip, copy and pasted it to another location, tried to open the ISO and extract it, but that won't work.

Is there anything I can do short of deleting it and starting a 20 hour download over?
From my experience 99% of crc errors cannot be repaired. You might want to try another compression app to extract it but my guess is the file is bad.
I use iso buster, and winISO
there is probably something wrong with the file.. *I know--- I'm on my 3rd BF1942 iso* all fake or corrupted so far:eek:
You understand, and I'm afraid you're correct, I'm SOL. Oh well, I'll start it up again before I go to bed. Thanks anyway guys.
No, DSL, but the best transfer speed I'm getting on that particular file was around 10K/s. :disgust2:
You could also try WinAce or WinRar--sometimes they are packaged strangely.
I have seen files with 2 extention e.g. " "
where the zip was put on because some servers won't let
you dl ISOs, and all that was needed was to remove the
" .zip " then burn it.
It doesn't sound like the case here, but it could be I guess.:shrug:
Nope, i could open the zip, and there were actually three files inside of it, only one of them gives me the CRC error though. Thanks again though.
which file gave you the error? if its not the iso giving error, you may be able to extract it individually, then open it with iso buster, or burn to cd.
Nope, it was the ISO, the other two files were zip files as well, that contained some, let's see, Utilities to help the game run. Those extract just fine.
Yep, It's alright, it's deleted and should be downloading again now. Maybe it will be done when I get home. And maybe it will actually work. :D
i hate kazza for that, even with fast connections theres always a chance for corruption, with movies its ok, just a glitch here and there and reindexing can fix it, but with iso zip etc.. bah.