Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Thulsa Doom said:we can kill all the insurgents we want. as long as a significant portion of the population feels disinfranchised (rightly or wrongly) and sees their life getting worse then we will ALWAYS have more insurgents. It will be like trying to wipe out ants. There are ALWAYS more. The only way to curb this is to let the sunis feel like they are truly a part of something and not outside of the power in the country which is how they feel now. THEN they will be less likely to want insurgents living among them and causing problems. The problem is that the majority of the population is quite fine with not having them in power anymore. So what can we do?
We've been trying to get the Sunnis to realize that an election is good for them for the past year. Most of them get it, but the insurgents, who are mostly from outside of Iraq, don't want to see elections.
On another note, the title of this is starting to get a bit on my nerves. My brother, a SSGT in the US Army, is in Mosul, and works for mortuary affairs.