Basically it shows the position of all the important celestial bodies in your chart at the time of your birth and how they influence each other.
To try to explain how it works would take me hours and to interpret it would take me weeks. I'm still working on my own after 2 years.
If you go back to the site and click on the different links it will give you some information about yourself based on your chart. From what I've read about myself the character anaysis is fairly accurate. But you must bear in mind as I said before it's a natel chart and shows the influences at the time of your birth. Some of the interpretations may be very accurate while others don't seem to apply depending very much on what has happened between then and now. As for the forecast or future predictions it can only tell you the influences that are likely to be around at certain times but since we all have free will following up on them is optional.
Astrology and Astronomy were originally one and the same, they didn't part company until fairly recently in the time continuum. Astrology is based on over 6000 years of observation by it's practitioners. Most people are only exposed to the cranky side of it as practiced by Newsprint "Astrologers".