What hard drives do you swear by these days?


New Member
I've always been a Maxtor fan but there isn't much to choose from on NewEgg. I need a couple of drives to replace (2) 250gb SATA 3.0Gb/s Western Digitals that are failing on me just about every six months.

I found this Seagate: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...g=-1&PurchaseMark=&VideoOnlyMark=False&Page=2

But the negative reviews always worry me. I know there's a certain amout of DOA's and problems. And there's only 90 non-excellent reviews and 396 excellent reviews. But I don't want to replace these drives again.

They're going to be standalones, no RAID. Any suggestions?
Seagate owns Maxtor now.
I've been using Seagate for a couple of years...mostly, simple because of the warranty, and track record.

WD good Now too though.
Seagate owns Maxtor now.
I've been using Seagate for a couple of years...mostly, simple because of the warranty, and track record.

WD good Now too though.

That would explain why the Maxtor name is harder to come by. Now that you mention it, I seem to remember that from a few years ago.

I always heard good things about the WD's but I'm getting tired of replacing these drives.
I've got one 300 gig Maxtor and a trio of Western Digital Raptors... one 74 gigger and two 150 giggers

They haven't disappointed me yet.

My dad just replaced (well, had me replace) a drive in his store-bought Gateway machine with one of those nifty super-quiet Samsung SpinPoint drives. I'm thinking about buying one of those for my next drive, since the only thing I can hear in my computer now is the hard drives (it's all watercooled)
I used to use samsung mostly, but the HDs have bitten me more than once,
after it was just out of warranty ...2yrs.

I like the NCQ, and parallel read/writing technology with seagate.
I use Seagates. 160GB in our webservers, and 500GB/1TBs in our file arrays.

I'd say at least a dozen or two of each size. I've had a 500GB and a 1TB fail so far.

As for power consumption, I use the LCD APCs to judge. I also have a Kill-A-Watt for fun.
I wouldn't swear on any HDD today. They all are made to be disposable, unless they are of the server kind (and even then they are also disposable). Not like in the old days, where HDD were really expensive and were made to last. I've seen 20 yo WD and Maxtors that still work, I wish they built them like that now.

Personal experience with laptops: My laptop came with a Seagate, which died after one year. I replaced it with a Toshiba, which also died after a year. Apparently they didn't like the hard work. I got a Fujitsu (had no choice) and surprisingly it has been going for over a year, perhaps 2 years without a glitch. (I do have a rather old laptop, I know).

I think nowdays you better trust your luck than any brand.
I wouldn't swear on any HDD today. They all are made to be disposable, unless they are of the server kind (and even then they are also disposable). Not like in the old days, where HDD were really expensive and were made to last. I've seen 20 yo WD and Maxtors that still work, I wish they built them like that now.

Personal experience with laptops: My laptop came with a Seagate, which died after one year. I replaced it with a Toshiba, which also died after a year. Apparently they didn't like the hard work. I got a Fujitsu (had no choice) and surprisingly it has been going for over a year, perhaps 2 years without a glitch. (I do have a rather old laptop, I know).

I think nowdays you better trust your luck than any brand.

Yep. At home, I've got two backup sources/methods (secondary RAID + USB external) and now I'm about to switch my primary storage to RAID1 as well.

For similar reasons, I try not to keep anything useful on my laptop. Biggest pain of losing my laptop drive would be having to re-setup my Etch/XP dual-boot. The wireless card in that thing is half the battle. :retard:
Isn't that a shame? My 10gb Maxtor that I've had since I built the computer just died last year. Actually, that computer led me to HWC for instructions on how to build it, then to JJR512, then OTC/Xi. So I've had that drive for 7 years now.

My boss laughed at me, that I would keep a 10gb drive for that long. I had other higher capacity drives but had such a nostalgic feel for that thing. It's still sitting inside the case, dead. :laugh:

Mirlyn, thanks for the suggestion - NewEgg actually sells it and I think it has more applications than just for the UPS. I'm trying to reform my office from the old way of thinking and this will help get my point across about leaving computers on/plugged in all night and weekends. I have a new surge protector that will shut off all peripherals when Windows shuts down. It will be interesting to see the power draw even while everything is off.
I just checked on some previous orders I made on 2/27 because I got everything except for two items that shipped seperately. Called on 3/10 and was told they were shipped but no tracking number. Called yesterday, was told the same thing but I'd have tracking numbers by day end yesterday.

Got an email this morning that the package was returned to the warehouse for a bad address and that I would be refunded shortly. WHAT?! I've used the same address for 7 other orders without issue. Oh and guess what? It was still in my area on 3/10 so if the first person had done their due diligence, I would have had it by now.

Not happy with NewEgg right now. :cuss: They don't open till 11am my time either.
I've always favored Maxtor, had a 30 gig that just died last year, it was actively used for about 6 years without a hitch. What I've got now is all WD though, one 40gig thats on it's 6th year (damn, didn't realize that til I typed it, may need to go ahead and get one here to replace it now), I've also got two 120's and a 160 that are all WD in my main box. One of the 120's is about three years old, the other two are about 2 now. No problems so far.