Its oh so quiet...


New Member
Obviously its been a while since I posted here but... Man! Its quiet!

15 member hits a day?

oh... how it once was... the laughs, the japes, the fun... and not so fun we all had.

Its enough to drive a gal to :drink2: ... not that much excuse is needed!!!:roll:

Anyone else get that vibe?
It's the weekend and it's summer...but yes, it has been slow.

Yup... most people have lives I guess... but the weather is horrible here in blighty at the mo... all the very bad barbeques have been cancelled!!!

We should drum up some attention!!!! :moon:
Yep, its pouring here today......not like we don't need the rain, suposed to rain for the next couple of days. Don't know what to do with myself.

We'll plan a online party for 5 o'clock here today.............I'll bring the baked beans:dump:, what are you going to bring? LOL
It's pouring here today too. First day back for the girl's and they are content to play on their computer and watch movies...thank God.
I'm making a big ol' pot of spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.
Looks like across the ponds not much better than here....

A virtual online party! :)

Great idea Mare... Lets see... what to bring?... BOOZE!!!!
Spaghetti and meatballs done and ingested. Need to pick up some hoagie rolls for day 2 meatball subs.

<- Off to finish my current book in the bath tub.
Tonks - can I have your recipe for meatballs if you think it's summin' special? I've never made meatballs before so I've no idea where to start.
Meatballs....hamburger, rolled into bite size balls & cooked within the sauce. Some add a little bread crumbs and/or other seasoning to taste but it's all in the sauce.
A quick and dirty way to make easy meatballs is to buy any preferred large sausage and pinch off rough ball sized pieces (pulled out of the skin) and dumped straight into the frying pan. Forget rolling perfectly round balls, a more rough shape carries your sauce better.
A quick and dirty way to make easy meatballs is to buy any preferred large sausage and pinch off rough ball sized pieces (pulled out of the skin) and dumped straight into the frying pan. Forget rolling perfectly round balls, a more rough shape carries your sauce better.

Wow... that is so easy! Where you get that idea Prof? Ingenius!

At my local butchers you get flavoured sausage too... You could have the different meatballs of the world each day of the week!!!

Great theme for a sandwich shop or deli!

*Runs to copyright*
rain again on and off today! Urghhhhhhhhhhhh

I always make pasta salad, Tri color pasta cooked, toms. diced, sharp cheddar cheese diced, and fresh chopped brocolli, with italian dressing, recently I have been adding chopped black olives too.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Good!
Wow... that is so easy! Where you get that idea Prof? Ingenius!

At my local butchers you get flavoured sausage too... You could have the different meatballs of the world each day of the week!!!

Great theme for a sandwich shop or deli!

*Runs to copyright*

Stole it from Jamie Oliver on the Food network last night.
I just did it one night years ago out of desperation.
Poverty sucks. But it worked!

Cubing leftover meatloaf also makes loverly meatballs (meatsquares?).
Personally, I think he's a right twat, but I was comfortable and couldn't be arsed to shift myself to change the channel, and I was waiting for what was coming on after him.
he's a right twat

You been practicing mind reading again Prof?

Great minds think alike or is it fools flock together? :roll2:

All he's done is actually cook in a way that most celeb chefs do but he was actually attractive and aesthetically pleasing... to some!

His foray into politics under the guise of aiding the nations children's health... was misguided...

In my school... over 80% now take a packed lunch from home where there is no regulation on content! Rather than approximately 50% pre change!