Bloomberg on the proposed Muslim community center

oh well then if "Phelps' estranged children" said so, it must be true.
No, no they surely couldn't be bias being "Phelps' estranged children". [/sarcasm]
oh well then if "Phelps' estranged children" said so, it must be true.
No, no they surely couldn't be bias being "Phelps' estranged children". [/sarcasm]

Yeah...biased against him. You'd figure that someone who was baised against him would be the first in line to say that he was merely a gay-lobby plant.
Yeah...biased against him. You'd figure that someone who was baised against him would be the first in line to say that he was merely a gay-lobby plant.

not necessarily.
As screwed up as he is, we don't know what they think, or what he did
to them mentally when they were children.
I don't think they'd be a credible source in Any event.
So, if I put up a web page, and it says Phelps is a plant, and link here to it,
that will satisfy you?
If not, be more specific.

Yeah, something with some halfway reasonable evidence that he's a plant. Otherwise we have to assume that you made it up.
I think Phelps is simply insane, incapable of understanding anything that others have to say.Focusing on only what he want to say, his message. Hell bent that his ideas are the only facts regardless of the truth. Phelps and Spike share these same cognitive traits.

Actually his bigotry is very similar to your own. So we'd have to assume you guys have a lot more in common as far as cognitive traits go.
That Is the difference.

Despite what people want to make it, BinLaden has said we are at Holy War.
Christians don't get to say when it's over, as we didn't start it.

If Muslims want to get things right, they've gotta help take BinLaden out.
Until then, there will be no Normalized relations, if then.

", and that's just the way it is."
Bin Ladin is not the leader of Islam, not by a far cry. He is only the leader of a bunch of extremists. He is no more speaking for every Muslim (and they have said so) than Fred Phelps is the leader of all Christians.
Search for Mosques in Manhattan. There are plenty.

It's the symbiology of the placement.
Symbiology? Do you mean symbolism?
The only symbolism that it has is that GOOD Muslims are trying to counter the bad impression that BAD Muslims have been putting forward by providing a cultural center in which all are welcome. A good example is the anti-Muslim sentiment in this thread alone (not to mention other threads). If a small group of terrorist Muslims marks all Muslims as evil fuck-tards then the same is true for all religions, including all Christians.

Since the official religion of the KKK is Christianity this means, based on your arguments, that all Christians are evil fuck-tards also. Is that so?

There were Muslims (besides the terrorists) who died in the Twin Towers. They and their families suffered as much as the Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Atheists did. What people fail to recognize is the opportunity to band together against a common enemy: the terrorists.
There's no evidence on your page. C'mon man tell me there was something worthwhile that caused you to think he was a plant.
There's no good reason for me To post anything.
You'll find some reason to play down anything I put up, so I figured I'd lighten things up a little.

Bin Ladin is not the leader of Islam, not by a far cry. He is only the leader of a bunch of extremists. He is no more speaking for every Muslim (and they have said so) than Fred Phelps is the leader of all Christians.

Spike already said that. Very close word for word.
I've already responded to it too.

So what about you...Do you support Hamas?
There's no good reason for me To post anything.
You'll find some reason to play down anything I put up, so I figured I'd lighten things up a little.
Lighten it up then. I think this place needs more of that. :)

Spike already said that. Very close word for word.
I've already responded to it too.
Oh... that's embarrassing! I apologize for saying it again then. Sometimes I see all the trolling and I will scroll down to my last post, then skip certain posts that look like attacks and responses to attacks. So occasionally I'll miss something. :) Hope you understand.
So what about you...Do you support Hamas?
I don't support Hamas any more than I support The Westboro Baptist Church. I'm curious why you would ask the question of me.