Recent content by Welderboy

  1. W

    New Car Reviews - Holden Monaro CV8

    Beautiful but too hard-core? By Julian Edgar Published: 7 May, 2002 Preconceptions can be a dangerous thing. I mean, take the Holden Monaro. One of the most eagerly awaited cars ever produced in this country, it mixes what can only be described as stunning looks with a strong...
  2. W

    Posting from work

    no internet at work
  3. W

    What car do you drive

  4. W

    how mutch is gas near you

    100 octane $2.6x gallon 89 octane 1.48 gallon
  5. W

    What car do you drive

    its got average acceleration, really I have driven a lot of slower cars and faster ones. I get about 800 miles to the tank. maintence, timing belts were not easy to do, as timing is crutial.
  6. W

    longest shift you have put in at work

    17.5 hours at federal/allied.
  7. W

    What car do you drive

    i have a 1994 rx7 touring and a 1998 jetta tdi
  8. W

    Dammit! My cat has been attacked again!

    I had a cat and saw it walk up to a golden retriver and the dog backed down. this was a big cat, over a yard long. he also frequently came home covered with blood, but never a wound. lots of fights he got in, never lost any.
  9. W

    WTF is up with this HULK toy? link to pic.,,2-2003310256,00.html?yhnws
  10. W

    My pussy needs a name, suggestions please!

    Re: My new kitty needs a name, suggestions please! johnson if male