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  1. Liliandra


    **Didn't know where to stick this, so move if ya want, lol** I'm taking an Italian class, supposed to be 101 but we're two months in and know nothing about sentence construction, not much vocabulary and at the same time the teacher doesn't speak in/hardly knows English. I'm not following the...
  2. Liliandra

    Pain, Lots of Pain

    Ok, I have an... interesting hand condition that causes incredible amounts of pain along with some swelling, yadayada... Anyways, aside from prescrips, anyone have any thoughts?
  3. Liliandra


    I'm finally getting somewhere! 500 at long last..... (at least it's something, lol)
  4. Liliandra

    Inhale your insulin?? A few thousand more tests and this might actually fly.... Could save thousands Still though, this, as with all medications, will need to be tested quite well before I'd even think of recommending anyone to use it.
  5. Liliandra

    Why?? Just tell me why??

    I would've figured out a great poll for this, but couldn't figure out how to make a poll, lol.... Anyways... why, oh why, do people insist on talking on the phone in a public bathroom.... Things are gross enough in there, then you have to listen to wierd people talking on the phone, woman...
  6. Liliandra

    Welcome to Mr D Turtle

    He's a great friend of mine so y'all at least try and be nice... for at least a minute... hehe Welcome :winkkiss:
  7. Liliandra

    New question....

    I was asked to go in for a student government position at our community college. Nothing executive, just a council position... Do y'all think it's worth the time put into it? Does it really help out on resumes/university applications?
  8. Liliandra

    6 reasons why you should think before you speak

    Have you ever spoken and wished that you could immediately take the word back... or that you could crawl into a hole? Here are the testimonials of a few people who did... FIRST TESTIMONY: I walked into a hair salon with my husband and three kids in tow and asked loudly, "How much do you...
  9. Liliandra

    Good idea, bad planning

    But oh well.... My brother says my grandma's mind is slipping a bit (not a big shocker all things considered) but it's about time to go and visit her. Thinking on goin this winter break before Christmas, she lives in Chicago area.... yikes.... Anyways, it'll be me and the boyfriend so does...
  10. Liliandra

    Mother's Day

    So here's a question....How does one go about mother's day with the eventually future mother in law and grandmother in law to bes? I've been invited to go to lunch with the family (I've spent every holiday with them since my bf and I have been together) but what is the proper way to go about...
  11. Liliandra


    Basically a place to put your fav quotes.......I loveses quotes.....hehe An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup. ~H.L. Mencken US editor (1880 - 1956)
  12. Liliandra

    Hrmmm, question

    I love quotations, was looking for a running quotations thread on here but can't seem to find it.....does it not yet exist or am I just blind today? I wouldn't want to repeat, so....