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  1. O

    I once knew a offtopic. This isn't it.

    Anyway I didn't break any rules. Time to take ot links from my sigs on different forums.
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    I once knew a offtopic. This isn't it.

    I was part of a thriving offtopic discussion group at HWC for quite awhile until it was disbanded. I wanted to bring it back but alas it never happend. I was one of the first people here at the new supposed offtopic but didn't post much until lately cause I never had much offtopic to talk about...
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    A nice feindly, "STICK IT UP YER ASS."

    Well it appears that I cannot be a part of the "bomb shelter." Like I said stick it up yer ass all.
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    Hello all, never2muchRAM here

    What is happening? Yep I remember you at HWC. The birthplace of OT.
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    Violent anti-war protests if there is such a thing.

    Battle for Bagdad, Battle against terrorism, battle against those that would kill thy brother and in doing so we hath great vengence and awesome fury. Yes the war is unjust. That war which hath lasted 10,000 years or better. Yes it is unjust but arn't all wars? Unfair and unjust are words that...
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    Violent anti-war protests if there is such a thing.

    Maybe, were you taking hallucinogens? What year are you talking about? :D
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    heat output of computers

    I would get a high amp multimeter of some sort that you can connect to your computer input whether it be serial, USB, etc..... With this you could measure on screen you heat output essentially. All you need is AMPs*Volts = Watts. Monitor both the volts and amps your devices are pulling at...
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    Have you ever seen...
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    How I see the political spectrum, and why.

    I don't blame you this place is truly messed up? I think about everyone is to blame also.
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    Have you ever seen...

    In what way do you mean phosphorescence? Otherwise seen alot of other weird stuff like Clear sky lightening. In other words all of a sudden above me there was lightening with not a cloud in the sky? About 5 minutes after that though clouds formed and it rained 1/2" in about 20 minutes. One of...
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    Syria pushing WMD treaty in mid east?

    Thread crappers?
  12. O

    Violent anti-war protests if there is such a thing.

    Yeah, isn't that interesting?
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    How I see the political spectrum, and why.

    Eh? :mad: As for divorces? My Mom has been through two of them now at age 52. I must say we never were on welfare except for a little while when my stepfather was in prison and my mom had a baby when he was in prison. She could not work and my stepfather didn't help, I guess he couldn't...
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    How I see the political spectrum, and why.

    LOL, when you are around other people in person you don't try to speak do you? I hope not cause you got halitosis of the brain:D You must have got beat up alot when a child:D FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Please be done with it, please?
  15. O

    Syria pushing WMD treaty in mid east?

    Don't worry squiggy doesn't answer alot of questions either like what part of the service he was in or how much action in Vietnam he saw. He likes to bring it up all time just how much of a soldier he is so I would assume he must be the Jesse Ventura navy seal type:D
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    heat output of computers

    I suppose you could also do a check and see what the max watts each device consumes and use that as the ultimate max. Figure in HD, CPU, GPU, PSU, North bridge, monitors, and if you have other devices like switches etc.... Add them all up. I think it is pretty much regulation that the max watts...
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    heat output of computers

    I think they have a device that measures how many watts your systems are consuming. From this I would assume you could figure it out since most of that energy is transfered is into heat. I know my two socket 370 systems put out alot of heat and I am running two LCD's. This room is generall...
  18. O

    EU fires first warning shot over weapons

    Anyone have a idea who they will go after first? Check here You can bet the US will be next.:rolleyes: Some feel the World Court is going to try to bring to court the US and Britain for war crimes but Iraqi's cannot be...
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    Syria pushing WMD treaty in mid east?

    Do you blame them? Every country in that region wants to attack them pretty much? I don't think it has to do with WMD in Israel. I think if they did not have them most of the Israeli population would be dead along time ago. It is really funny that the countries that have attacked, attempted...
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    Syria pushing WMD treaty in mid east?

    How about a treaty with Israel first that they won't send bombs and suicide attackers into their territory anymore also? Why don't they concentrate on that? Does the UN even give a shit about the peace process in Israel anymore...