Search results

  1. BeerMat

    Erotic Candles ?

    I want to buy my wife an erotic candle for Xmas, anyone know where I might get my hands on one ? ;)
  2. BeerMat

    Who or What...

    ...would you like to be stranded on a desert island with ? ;)
  3. BeerMat

    A-10 Tank Killers

    Where I live, I'm a drunken Brit if it matters ;) , apart from the usual day and night training over my home by bombers, fighters, troop transports and helicopters I've seen and at night heard several A-10 Tank Killers. What's so unusaul about that ? Well it's very rare if ever A-10's train in...
  4. BeerMat

    Is this bar open 24/7 ?

    Hi, I'm new here, who am I ? Well I'm a dedicated beer drinking computer user, I waste countless hours playing computer games, drinking beer and chilling out, do I think that's a waste of time ? Hell No :D