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  1. JJR512

    I think I remember some of you f*ckers....

    Well, I guess it's true. You just never know who is going to show up where, or when.
  2. JJR512

    GI Joe...the movie???

    I saw his comment earlier. It doesn't really do anything to alter my statement, not sure why I need to be reminded of it now. I don't believe it was intended to be purely a kids' movie, though. I'm sure they also wanted to capture the 30-somethings who remember the toys and cartoon series from...
  3. JJR512

    GI Joe...the movie???

    I have seen it, and I enjoyed it. It's not the greatest movie ever made, but it's decent. I wouldn't call it a flop, though. Last weekend, it was still #3 at the box office. I took my 8-y/o to see it, he liked it. He's also seen the Harry Potter and Star Trek movies this year, though, and I...
  4. JJR512

    Mac vs PC

    So it sounds like your problem is more with the design of the iMac than anything else. Someone like you probably wouldn't get an iMac, you'd get a Mac Pro. And that's fine. No one computer is for everybody, the iMac is no exception. Personally, I like having a separate tower, too, and when the...
  5. JJR512

    Mac vs PC

    1. "A PC is so much more versatile." In what sense? A PC can do everything a PC can do. A Mac can do everything a Mac can do, plus, with either dual-booting or a virtual machine program, everything a PC can do. 2. "I am not married to one OS with a PC..." Nor are you with a Mac. You can...
  6. JJR512

    Phone call at work

    Then you would have loved one I heard tonight at work. My partner and I were on a call to transfer a psych patient from one hospital to another. We had just arrived at the first hospital and had gotten the stretcher out of the back, when a Baltimore City FD paramedic looked at us and said...
  7. JJR512

    Windows 7 beta

    OK, now you're talking about multitasking and the working environment. I will agree with you on those issues specifically. What you quoted me disagreeing with you about was only specifically what I quoted you on, which was the taskbar. I like the Windows taskbar somewhat better in general that...
  8. JJR512

    Windows 7 beta

    Hmm, that's too bad. One of a few things I liked better about Windows was its taskbar concept over Apple's.
  9. JJR512

    How I would reboot the USA

    Nope, and I don't need to. Can you show me where in the Constitution spending money on education is explicitly forbidden? Furthermore, education is the single most important system that needs to have money spent on it. A better-educated population would lead to so many other problems lessening...
  10. JJR512

    How I would reboot the USA

    How to tie shoes is a life skill that should be taught by parents, not educators. :p The 2007 budget for the Department of Defense was $439.3 billion. The same year, the budget for the Department of Education, the smallest Cabinet-level Department, was $13.4 billion mandatory plus $56 billion...
  11. JJR512

    Windows 7 beta

    I could be mistaken, but I believe they normally don't do a lot of interface changes until nearer the end of the development cycle. First the function, then the form.
  12. JJR512

    Phone call at work

    A patient (little old lady with severe dementia) in the back of my ambulance tonight asked me, "Is this the back of the Mayflower?" I restrained myself but I really felt like replying, "No...Do you remember the Mayflower?"
  13. JJR512

    How I would reboot the USA

    Yes, for exactly the same reason that Frodo mentioned in reply, and which I already mentioned in my original post. A well-educated workforce is in the best interest of the entire nation (excepting, perhaps, the aforementioned wilderness man). People without children still need things like health...
  14. JJR512

    9-1-1 gaga

    At first, I also thought it was a bit strange. However, H2O boy's explanation above does seem to have some merit, for exactly the reasons he mentioned, as well as for what Leslie said. Suppose Leslie was in some kind of distress and incapable of shouting out but there happened to be a phone...
  15. JJR512


    This is all news to me!
  16. JJR512

    How I would reboot the USA

    Tobacco taxes would go to the ATF. You remember the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms? Those guys would be funded entirely by taxes and fees that come only from the sale and use of: Alcohol, Tobacco, and...can you guess?...Firearms. Nationalizing health care was absolutely not in my...
  17. JJR512

    How I would reboot the USA

    Let me go into a bit more detail about why the private associations that try to unite EMS fail. Some group comes along, does some research, sees what's going on, notes the popular things to do, discovers the "best" way to do things, and comes up with a plan of how EMS should work everywhere...
  18. JJR512

    How I would reboot the USA

    See, this is my point from my original post. A tax that only some people pay should not be used to pay for a service that benefits all citizens. It's not fair for only one segment of the population to have to foot the bill for something that would benefit another citizen that's not part of that...
  19. JJR512

    How I would reboot the USA

    The trouble is that there are several "enterprising" people, representing various "boards" or "groups" who claim to have the best interests of EMS at heart and try to do what you're talking about. For various reasons, some agencies choose to align with one, some with another. Another person...
  20. JJR512

    How I would reboot the USA

    I didn't get that idea from anywhere. I was asking you to tell me that that is what you believe. Going back several posts, understand that the point I am trying to make is that, in my opinion, there should be a national standard for EMS so that EMS agencies can help out other EMS agencies in...