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  1. PostCode

    Michael Vick press conference

    I'm an employee? Where's my paycheck?
  2. PostCode

    Michael Vick press conference

    Wow... Well, if I offended you, then I'm sorry. Lighten up though....
  3. PostCode

    Michael Vick press conference

    Why is everyone all on edge around here? Try to have a bit of fun and everyone seems to get miffed at the slightest thing.
  4. PostCode

    Michael Vick press conference

    I never said that I'd been here longer than Gonz.
  5. PostCode

    Michael Vick press conference

    Ever read yer freakin PM Gonz?
  6. PostCode

    IE7 Offical

    Microsoft officially released IE7 today.
  7. PostCode

    High Heels

    Gee, I never knew we had a title. nifty. Credit yes, permission no.
  8. PostCode

    High Heels

    It truly is amazing how a person will do anything to follow you, but when they do that on the Internet it's even more amazing...
  9. PostCode

    High Heels

    Actually, I don't recall giving my permission to even copy those images for your own use. Whatever though. Moderators, admins, whoever, please remove these images now. I am the owner of them and want them removed.
  10. PostCode

    High Heels

    Your right Tracy. I should.
  11. PostCode

    High Heels

    You called? :D
  12. PostCode

    Need some assistance

    Has anyone ever told you how helpful you are? hehe Anyways, here's a link to bookmark in case you ever experience this.
  13. PostCode

    Need some assistance

    It's a XP Homer system.
  14. PostCode

    Need some assistance

    Here's the most helpful information form the Event Viewer. The file '_' is infected with the '_' virus... blah blah blah As you can see, the usefulness of this is about as good as tits on a bore hog.
  15. PostCode

    Need some assistance

    McAfee VirusScan Enterprise V 8.0.0
  16. PostCode

    Need some assistance

    Did that in Safe Mode through the administrator
  17. PostCode

    Need some assistance

  18. PostCode

    Need some assistance

    There are a few virus' out there that modify Group Policies on a computer that prevent the user form turning on the Firewall and such. I came across one today, but forgot to write down the name of the virus' removed. The system is now telling me I have no rights to turn on the firewall. I know a...
  19. PostCode


    Stay away from Dell, Alienware (now owned by Dell), Sony, and HP. Toshiba makes the best. Whatever you get, make damn sure you get a three years warranty and, if possible, an accidental insurance warranty (covers spills, drops, etc...) as well. Laptops are by far much harder to fix than a...
  20. PostCode

    What do you do with the product of your fapping?

    Yeah, just look at Prof. He's more twisted now than ever. Bringing this thread back up proves it. :D