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  1. ralphie

    homosexual marriage and why it is morally permissible

    So... My sister wrote this for her Theory of Knowledge class and I thought it was pretty interesting. It's not done yet [has to be between 1800 and 2500 words and she only has 759]. But I thought I'd post it anyway. Tell me what you think. Thesis For this extended essay, gay...
  2. ralphie

    goth... OOH

    has anyone else noticed that more and more people are draping themselves in black. a few sweat bands and a skateboard, and you're a punk rocker? I look at all the people flooding my chattanooga streets, and I wonder how many of them can actually play a rock instrument or listen to real rock...
  3. ralphie

    [gives off salute] 'ey

    God bored, and decided to join yet another Forum. Since I'm a walking, talking ROTS, I decided that a place called Off Topic Central would be good... Even though it's not spamming or anything... So yeah... here I am... [stands stiff backed and salutes] how do you do?
  4. ralphie

    religious discrimination

    Okay, so at my school, I've discovered some serious issues with people who seem to think being Christian is the only way to live. We're forced to pray at school, and I got yelled at for not standing for the pledge, which, btw, is forced patriotism, which, btw, is illegal. I even got in...