$1.9T Increase ?


Well-Known Member
Whats a coupla Trillion bucks anyway?

"constitutional" does not matter
neither does right or wrong to left wing commie Libs

When asked where the Constitution authorized Congress
to order Americans to buy health insurance

Pelosi dismissed the question by saying: “Are you serious? Are you serious?”

Bankrupting the country ain’t no thang.


Well-Known Member
I think we need to begin to look at what constitutes sedition and treason. Barney Frank might enjoy some ass-pounding prison time.


Well-Known Member
what’s wrong with my brain
I must be insane,
I voted for McCain
Don’t cha feel my pain?


Well-Known Member
I'm still for Sarah
pssst! Hayworth is challenging McCain's senate seat.

I dunno, I like Palin but I'm not willing to say "yes" quite yet. And she's a chick. I love goils, but chicks are chicks and this job is not really a job for chick. OK she can kill and bleed a moose, that is a plus, but she is still a chick and that means inherent problems.

I've shared my house with 10 chicks this week-end, I can't explain it in full nor would I try to. Chicks have something wrong them, it is a common factor in all of them. They all deny they have it, but claim all other wimmin' folk do have it. :beafraid:


Well-Known Member
A couple trillion here
a couple trillion there
after a while it begins to add up....?


Well-Known Member
adds up to moving to a global currency, selling out the country, because the dollar is worthless...

plan on schedule


Well-Known Member
well then you ain’t been doing it right
yer supposed to kick them bitches to the curb
before they start costing you money