Tell him it's way hard to colour over black if he hates it...and even if everyone is laughing at him he won't be able to change it till it is grown out, or he shaves it off.


*is not feeling reassured about this 11 thing. :(
Professur said:
Les, give him a bottle of hand creme and send him to his room. Watch his expression. He won't be bored long, one way or the other.

From what I recall... he already has some:D
Leslie said:
Tell him it's way hard to colour over black if he hates it...and even if everyone is laughing at him he won't be able to change it till it is grown out, or he shaves it off.
Actually, I've alrady told him he can do pretty much what he wants with his hair. Although I suggested he tried dark brown first, to see how he pulled that one off. At first we'd go with something that washes out eventually, anyways.
I told the boy:
"don't make yourself look weird, blend in"
"project the clean-cut image"
"you'll be able to get away with anything"!
He's going on a "date" tonight. A girl down the street phoned and formally invited him to the safety patroller dance at her school.
My Kid IS tired, between school the GF two part time jobs playing tennis and an active social life that adds up 18+ hour days, the only thing he's in danger of is burn out.
She's a safety patroller at school - cheap crossing guards, bus safety officers, that kinda thing. So...the reward for that is exclusive for safety patroller dances. Apparently it's a big deal :confuse3:
Does he even know how to:

"Safety Dance"?


'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance
Well they're no friends of mine
The ones at my kid's school get a Winit (if you collect enough Winits - for citizenship and achievement, you get to go on an overnight trip in grade 8) and an overnight trip at the end of the year - amusement park or something. It's cool.
They both had a great time, and they reportedly danced to one of those "slow tempo dancing songs". awwwww lol.

Same time next month :D
Leslie said:
They both had a great time, and they reportedly danced to one of those "slow tempo dancing songs". awwwww lol.

Same time next month :D

Geuss he's really going to need that lotion then. :lol2:

edit: the cat is helping me type again.
It's time...from day one. Well, okay, technically, not much use if they don't understand the language & all they want is the tit but you get my gist.