6 simple steps to get a lover

I've met men that think "Hey baby, show me your tits!" is an intelligent way to get a lover. Maybe a smack upside the head instead?
Well...you don't want some snatchy small beads. You want the big beads or the beads with some kind of unique appeal.

Lack luster beads

Big beads - which are cool



*Reflects on the perfect set of tits once flashed at him on Bourbon*

*Misses pre-child NO vacations*
levana said:
I've met men that think "Hey baby, show me your tits!" is an intelligent way to get a lover. Maybe a smack upside the head instead?
Ahh, the mating call of the North American Biker in his natural habitat...
Although the only beads I ever had were the lack luster beads from a couple different mardi gras themed parties I went to I had a little bit of a mardi gras theme in my room here. I had the masks my mom and I wore to one of the mardi gras parties pinned up on my wall and I also had two little ceramic masks we were given as gifts at that same party on my wall :)
Although the only beads I ever had were the lack luster beads from a couple different mardi gras themed parties I went to I had a little bit of a mardi gras theme in my room here. I had the masks my mom and I wore to one of the mardi gras parties pinned up on my wall and I also had two little ceramic masks we were given as gifts at that same party on my wall :)

Now I'm wondering what you did to get the beads...