9-12 Project/Tea Party Express

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Umm yeah, ignore the crux of what I actully said and attack the most trivial point. It's not surprising considering the source....

BTW I have said it many times. Never have I believed that blacks are inferior in any way. It is a good tool to hurt and provoke, and I unwisely tried to do such things too often in my youth. Consider though that I grew up in gangland central.....

The truth is Black America is in large part a seperate subculture for many reasons I won't go into now. There is a lot of mistrust based on that. Some reasonable and deserved and some not. This amounts mostly to prejudices rather than racism. Often the words are interchanged incorrectly but they are two seperate and distinct things.

Well to be honest, the first sentence was as far as I got last time.

Yeah there is a lot of subculture, its often a choice. kinda like when someone chooses to sit on the PC all day and night.

The majority of the integrated people of colors I run into are just people in society. Many of those who remain in isolation with people of likeness have been told that there is much to fear, ie: racism and hate beyond the invisible borders of their safe little barrio. Keep feeding the idea, the dream of race wars.
You know RM, I am still wondering what "offense" I committed in your mind? We used to talk civilly away from the board, and I forget what got you upset? I honestly want to know, and I don't care if you put it on main street or PM me. I want to know, because it was before I became a serious 12 stepper and If I honestly owe an amends I will make one, but if it's silly and in your head....

Well, I don't know....

As far as I know you just turned on me like a snake would. It would be nice to know why. If you know anything about amends as in 9th step amends you will know it is not for your benefit but mine. It is part of my desire to be a better person. If I should make things better between us it is a positive side effect, but I can't and don't expect anything from you. I just honestly want to know, for my own betterment!

No my friend I haven't turned on you, this is OTC's Real World. Welcome to Sparta, please have a seat over there.
Oh I've answered; I've answered your question several times, at length, and in depth.

No, not even once. It's simple yes or no question and there's been no yes or no.

If you want to give a straight answer I'll accept it.

I'm not sure what marrying an Italian has to do with anything and I don't have any preconceived ideas. I am only asking if you lean that way or not. Doesn't Beck do this all the fucking time? "Prove to me you're not working with the enemy" and such?

The only preconceived idea I have is that you were lying when you said you don't know who Ron Paul is.
No, not even once. It's simple yes or no question and there's been no yes or no.

If you want to give a straight answer I'll accept it.

I think you have faulty RAM. You can't even remember that last time you tried to label me as a racist. You must do it often.

I've given you your answer, obviously you didn't accept it because your playing that same game again.
Hey just link me to where you typed "yes" or "no". There's no game. Give me a link to a yes or no answer and we can put this behind us.
Hey just link me to where you typed "yes" or "no". There's no game. Give me a link to a yes or no answer and we can put this behind us.

No. You want the answer, you should have paid attention the first time you tried to paint me as a racist.

Really? Just type yes or no. C'mon that's easy. Or link me to where you typed yes or no.


Here, I'll answer the same question.

No, I do not in any way approve of the white supremacists message. I do not feel like any race of people should be treated as less important than any other race.

Your turn.
Really? Just type yes or no. C'mon that's easy. Or link me to where you typed yes or no.


Here, I'll answer the same question.

No, I do not in any way approve of the white supremacists message. I do not feel like any race of people should be treated as less important than any other race.

Your turn.

Exactly what is the white supremacist message?

Have you ever said the word "nigger" before?
OK, perhaps you are no longer mad, but I distinctly remember you were, even if I can't remember why. Do you remember why? I have nothing personal against you. I just think you are an IDIOT politically and still nobody has anything to say about Josh Anderson's spot on commentary. I guess you concede he is correct!
Well its fairly simple. I don't really care what Josh Anderson is saying. I'm not talking with him.

I could post 100,000 words of other peoples thoughts and it still would not be my thoughts.

I don't bother with lazy. (ask winky, I never read the crap he sends me)
Exactly what is the white supremacist message?

Have you ever said the word "nigger" before?

The only reason I quoted Anderson is he says very eloquently what I know to be true....

You seem to have have no interest in truth, no interest in learning, no interest in thinking anything but that your own line of bullshit and spin is gospel. So what is new?

I admit I am stubborn and passionate about my convictions, but I know also I at least try too see another's point of view and am apt to change my position if I fine enough evidence that I was wrong, now more than ever since I re-committed to AA and NA.

This fits all of us but particularly applies to you from what I and I think many of us see on here, though I do not presume to know who or how much:

Herbert Spencer said:
There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance—that principle is contempt prior to investigation.

Oh yeah you don't read quotes, do you? I am sure it's just bullshit anyway since someone seems to have convinced himself he is a legend in his own mind!

Back to bootlicking peon! Or are you a rich overlord?
Can we please get past the racist innuendo and childish name-calling and get back to the issue at hand, hmmm?
Red Herrings seems more the issue...and racism is only one of them and being used by BOTH sides of the aisle. In a few days, there'll be so many race cards in the aisle that nobody will be able to get any traction to get to the real issues.
They don't like blacks or Jews. Want to get rid of all non-white immigration. etc.

Got an answer yet? You're really trying to avoid this one. It's interesting.

"White Supremest" don't like "blacks or Jews" --- Gee, I thought there were quite a few white people in the Jewish faith. :retard: Are the Red and Yellow folks OK with the "white supremest"

I've given you an extremely indepth answer that explains my views on races/people. Obviously your preconceived political bigotry of me prevented you from accepting and remembering the facts. (or your just a master-race-baiter)

If omission is any indication of guilt, I'm beginning to wonder why you keep ignoring my question: Have you ever said the word "nigger"?
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