9-12 Project/Tea Party Express

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No, I took the time to write it out for you once. In depth, with details. ALL because you tried to label me as some racist against black people. I was clear.

Your weak attempt at race baiting doesn't give me any desire to go hunt it down for you. Its very clear to me that your attempt to paint as a racist is a trained response with ZERO merit, yet you go there. The forum has a search function, you go find the 2-3 threads we had this discussion in.

I'm fairly certain you don't really give shit about the damage your tactics are doing to the continuity of people. You are a divider, you need the fear of racism, it serves you.

Thanks for pushing the race issue back a generation.

Look -- its another fucking racist portraying the "magic negro" as a cracker. Certainly it must be racism. (like your example of "white supremest" who don't like white people)

The outrage!

You being a prominent member of the thought police ...... Things like this must really get your panties in a bunch (GREAT movie BTW)
No, I took the time to write it out for you once. In depth, with details. ALL because you tried to label me as some racist against black people. I was clear.


Your weak attempt at race baiting doesn't give me any desire to go hunt it down for you.

You could always just answer the question. Could have been done here a long time ago.

Its very clear to me that your attempt to paint as a racist

Not painting anything. I asked a question to which you can answer yes or no. Yet you avoid it.
Clearly, that guy made Obama into a white guy, that by definition must be a racist act.

I mean, more than once you have attempted to portray ME as a racist. You like to play the race card.

My dear friend. Its not me that is doing the world a disservice by using the race card twice a week for political gain. It only serves to diminish the value of real situations where race is a factor.

So when someone is truly being harmed by racism their cry will have been diluted by you and your ilks feeble attempts to gain political booty.

But of course, you don't really care do you.

You could always just answer the question. Could have been done here a long time ago.

Not painting anything. I asked a question to which you can answer yes or no. Yet you avoid it.

This is not the first time you have taken this approach with me. You've directly or alluded that I'm racist on several occasions, like some street bully.

You have been answered, that is all you'll ever get. It not my fault you cant remember shit when you start it. It says a lot about you and your intentions. You do care, it all a game for you

The simplest point is; The fact you would even ask me that baseless question is tasteless and offensive to me.
What? Makes no sense.

I'm just asking you a question. Which you are avoiding with desperation.

.....do you ever lick your finger after you ejaculate. I'm just asking you a question here.

Yeah, you don't ever really say anything. You just beat around the bush with innuendo and crap. You've attempted to paint as" a bigot, homophobic, racist..... you know, your usual ploys.
.....do you ever lick your finger after you ejaculate. I'm just asking you a question here.

You gotta answer questions before you cn ask them.

Yeah, you don't ever really say anything. You just beat around the bush with innuendo and crap.

Nope, I'm pretty direct. You're the guy using idiotic innuendos like "expect us" :laugh:

You've attempted to paint as" a bigot, homophobic, racist..... you know, your usual ploys.

What I Saw at the Revolution

So we set off to DC with our supplies of poster-making materials and some folding camp chairs, umbrellas, trail mix, and basic first-aid. If there were no restrooms, well, we'd just deal with that when we got there.

The only preparation we had for this Tea Party were the downloaded instructions: "We meet at Freedom Plaza between 9 and 11, then we march down Pennsylvania to our rally on Capitol Hill." Getting up late, we were on the street at 10 for the twenty-minute walk to Freedom Plaza, marked on our city map. We started seeing other tea-partiers with their signs and flags, camp chairs slung over their shoulders and Uncle Sam fashions, and we walked together and spoke together without introduction like old alums from the same school.

It was like the loudest, most jovial football pep rally you've ever seen, hundreds of thousands rooting for the beloved home team. Every demonstrator was grinning wide and hoisting the most original, pithy, and often hilarious signage. One marcher had contrived a life-size cardboard Obama at the podium, with two friends carrying teleprompters made out of plexi-glass--"promises, promises, promises" said one, and "lies, lies, lies" said the other. People on the curb leaped out to photograph this work of genius, and the protestors all stopped good-naturedly to allow the recording. "We're not the party of no. We're the party of HELL, NO!"

Everyone, everyone in the crowds grinned big grins. Joy. You could feel the joy of people who have been distressed, even anguished, for over a year suddenly finding that they are not alone and that there is something they can do. Not alone by a long shot! We knew with our own eyes that there were hundreds of thousands of people, maybe as much as a million. Tens of thousands would not have stretched across four lanes of Pennsylvania for hours!

The only discouraging word was not all that discouraging. As we ambled away from the Capitol, some youthful local man with a soft round face and early balding scalp, sporting the prerequisite wispy uptown Van Dyke, muttered in a high-pitched tone that conveyed a kind of agonized sqeamishness, "These people need to get out of my city."

His city. If he's listening, I'd like to tell him...

We'll be back.
I didn't link to any photos or comments by Glenn Beck RE: 9-12.
So, not sure what you are referring to.
Since you didn't provide any links.
But, thanks for playing. :shrug:

See there, I included the source in the post and you admit you didn't even go there. But why am I not surprised. Unless one of the republican bullthrowers tell you what to say, when to say and where to say it, you are lost. Can't follow directions or don't have a clue. It was however, a good sign you noticed I was playing. For you, there is serious doubt, very serious doubt.

Here re some other sources:




I know Gonz! These are blogs along with the dreaded Huffington Post, all found on Google. The main issue is the photo used by Glenn "The exaggerator and racist" Beck was not taken that day and has been discredited from several points although I do not expect you to either admit or accept that simple fact.
But after Gonz was nice enough to point out two reliable sources must be used for verification and then Ole Gonz-o himself used only one, and that was blog, in reference to another point he was trying to make (and failed to do I might add) figured the rules were changed once again.
Why is that?
Margaret, I haven’t laughed so hard since Katie Couric interviewed Sarah Palin. A few thousand white folks called in sick to work last week so they could parade around the nation’s capital on Saturday and Fox News declares a revolution is underway. My goodness. I don’t know which is more sad – the fact that they couldn’t spell half the words written on their illegible signs or that they all left their white hoods at home. Bring the hippies back. Their protests were much more entertaining.

Just to give you some perspective:

* 1925 - Ku Klux Klan – 35,000 KKK members marched on Washington
* 1963 – March for Freedom with Martin Luther King – 250,000 marched
* 1969 – March to end the Vietnam War – 600,000 marched
* 1993 – Gay and Lesbian Rights – 800,000 marched
* 1995 – Million Man March – 600,000 marched
* 2004 – March for Women’s Lives (Pro-Choice) – over 1 million marched
* 2009 – Obama Inauguration – over 1 million celebrate
* September 12, 2009 – Tea Party Hillbilly Rally - 78,000 marched but only 3 seemed to know what they were marching about.

I’ll tell you what Margaret. You would never know by watching Fox News that 78,000 racists marching on the nation’s capital was cause for concern. You would think we were finally winning the war against the British. Of course, according to Harold’s television set, larger crowds gathered at dozens of football games that day so what the hell do I care.

Let me just say something about the 9-12 Project. On September 12, 2001 everyone was an American. There were no Blue States and no Red States. There were no Black Americans and no White Americans. There were no Europeans, no Asians, no Hispanics, no Africans… The world was standing with America against the evil that is terrorism. The globe was united like never before. And what did our President do when given that moment? He told us all to go shopping while he and his buddies planned a war. And 8 years later the 9-12 project has been reduced to a movement of no Blacks, no Hispanics, no Asians… just 78,000 white people who can’t spell.

But it’s not really the marchers that worry me. It’s the media that gives them so much attention. Have you ever noticed when a million Pro-Choice women march on Washington while 50 Pro-Life nut jobs stand on the corner mis-quoting the bible, it’s the bible thumping nut-jobs getting more coverage on the evening news?

69 million people voted for Barack Obama knowing full well that Universal Healthcare was a major issue in his campaign. 78,000 people marched on Washington claiming that America has been stolen. Now I am not an expert, but I have to believe that fancy CNN map of John King’s should be able to figure out that math.

The biggest problem facing America today isn’t the war, the economy, healthcare or even racism. The biggest threat to America is the lack of news coverage in our newscasts. Honestly I don’t give a damn what LaToya Jackson thinks, what Paris Hilton ate, what Hillary Clinton is wearing or who Brad Pitt is dating. And I especially don’t give a rat’s ass what 78,000 peckerwoods with too much time on their hands think about something as complicated as Universal Healthcare.

You know what would have been a good news story? How many of those yahoos marching last weekend actually have health insurance much less a full set of teeth? Did anyone bother to ask that question?

Margaret and Helen are a gas and a half...I give'em a read as often as possible. Their Ann Coulter book review was hilarious :)

Yesterday on his radio program, while discussing the crowds at this weekend's 9/12 protests, Glenn Beck claimed that the London Telegraph "quote[d] a source from the Park Service, the National Park Service, saying that it is the largest march on Washington ever." This led to a good deal of confusion here, as the Telegraph article contains no such quote. Just another case of Beck making things up? Actually, the story behind this turns out to be much funnier than we could have anticipated.

Several conservative blogs have been quoting National Park Service spokesman "Dan Bana" as saying the 9/12 protest was "the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever." This appears to be a repurposing of this quote from David Barna (who, unlike Dan Bana, appears to be a real person):

"David Barna, a Park Service spokesman, said the agency did not conduct its own count. Instead, it will use a Washington Post account that said 1.8 million people gathered on the US Capitol grounds, National Mall, and parade route. 'It is a record,' Barna said. 'We believe it is the largest event held in Washington, D.C., ever.'"

It's a shame that the real spokesman was talking about the Obama Inauguration and not the 9-12.er..parade eh?

The league of nonsense is creating a new reality again.

It going to quite funny when this non-event of 300 people rolls right over you in the near future.

I am ALL for you downplaying the truth, welcome to the next level.
Thank you President Jefferson

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
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