9-12 Project/Tea Party Express

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I'm sorry... it's hard to understand what you're saying with that tea-baggery stuck in you teeth. .....Right there, in front.

You know what's even funnier? The numbers don't even really matter. What does matter is we're coming to get cha. It's all gonna be over soon. Kiss it goodbye.

I'm sorry... it's hard to understand what you're saying with that tea-baggery stuck in you teeth. .....Right there, in front.

Yeah, I don't get anywhere near those folks. I think they're just tea bagging lobbyists. I'm not into guys sticking their balls in lobbyists faces.

The lobbyists seem to like it though. :shrug:
Yeah, we already came and got you. You lost. But I hope the Tea Bagging works out and Ron Paul is the next republican candidate. He is about the best thing the party has going.
lobbyist sponsored

What lobby? I haven't seen a single "sponsor" at either of the gatherings we attended & had it not been for prior engagements, we'd have been in DC that day. I'm very displeased to have missed it.
What lobby? I haven't seen a single "sponsor" at either of the gatherings we attended & had it not been for prior engagements, we'd have been in DC that day. I'm very displeased to have missed it.

Oh Gonz, Spitball has already figured out and exposed the entire truth all by his wittle self. It was a StormTrooper operation for the Aryan Nation to show the whitesupremest hatred of Jews, sponsored by Mr X the notorious capitalist/lobbyist behind all the world ills. All paid professional protesters from Glenn Becks private Army of mindless zombies.

Man your slow sometimes.
What lobby? I haven't seen a single "sponsor" at either of the gatherings we attended & had it not been for prior engagements

Freedomworks sponsors these things. They are a lobbying firm run by Dick Army. They're supported by oil, energy, and tobacco companies.


You guys need to check out what you get involved with.

Yep. Elections do have consequences. The rest of you are finding that out the hard way. How is that hope & change?

Digging it.
Oh Gonz, Spitball has already figured out and exposed the entire truth all by his wittle self. It was a StormTrooper operation for the Aryan Nation to show the whitesupremest hatred of Jews, sponsored by Mr X the notorious capitalist/lobbyist behind all the world ills. All paid professional protesters from Glenn Becks private Army of mindless zombies.

Man your slow sometimes.

Hey look, you made up some shit in another failed attempt to troll. Making up shit and trolling is starting to be your thing.
Freedom Works, yup, they did it all. Dick Army is a white supremacist working for Stormfront hating Jews. -- it has nothing to do with the commie left does it comrade.

You guys need to check out the lies you get involved with.
Freedom Works, yup, they did it all. Dick Army is a white supremacist working for Stormfront hating Jews. -- it has nothing to do with the commie left does it comrade.

What the fuck are you talking about? Can you ever have a discussion without trolling?

"FreedomWorks Launches Nationwide “Tea Party” Tour"

This week's Bill Moyers' Journal takes a look at former Texas congressman Dick Armey's FreedomWorks, its role in formenting the Tea Party movement, and Armey's role in opposing just about anything that threatens big business. (He led the opposition against the Clinton health care plan.)

He points out that FreedomWorks is the results of a man who proudly says, "Politics is 97% fiction and 3% imagination."

Isn't this interesting? Armey (who's had government health care all along) is suing to keep his Cadillac federal employees health care plan instead of Medicare.

"Dick Armey is the epitome of those people with power and privilege who are insured against the vicissitudes of life and want no government assistance for any suffering except their own," Moyers says.

"Government out of health care" for thee, but not for me! Republicans are consistent that

Freedomworks sponsors these things. They are a lobbying firm run by Dick Army. They're supported by oil, energy, and tobacco companies.
You guys need to check out what you get involved with.

WHAT? You mean, you mean, the tea parties weren't grass roots efforts by the average American? You mean tea parties were started by lobbyists and we were sold a bill of goods?
OH MY GOD! Why would Republicans ever let this happen? (sob! sob!) They are such honorable people and have such decent ideals (sob! sob!) And to think they would try to lead all of us poor unsuspecting souls into the valley of deceit! OH MY GOD! (heart wrenching sob!)

It is to bad Cheney didn't run against Obama. At least we would never have had the opportunity to find these horrible things out because Cheney felt no one had a right to know anything using the old standby line, "Ignorance is bliss!" Or was it; "let them eat cake?" Oh well, never mind. It isn't important. But it does prove yet again how gullible republicans and libertarians are who listen to their favorite shows, "Follow the Leader," with Limbaugh and Beck.
I pine for Cheney; he was such a good man. So secretive, trigger happy. And mean spirited too! :)
What the fuck are you talking about? Can you ever have a discussion without trolling?

I'm just following you on the facts and its not easy.

WHAT? You mean, you mean, the tea parties weren't grass roots efforts by the average American? You mean tea parties were started by lobbyists and we were sold a bill of goods?
OH MY GOD! Why would Republicans ever let this happen? (sob! sob!) They are such honorable people and have such decent ideals (sob! sob!) And to think they would try to lead all of us poor unsuspecting souls into the valley of deceit! OH MY GOD! (heart wrenching sob!)

It is to bad Cheney didn't run against Obama. At least we would never have had the opportunity to find these horrible things out because Cheney felt no one had a right to know anything using the old standby line, "Ignorance is bliss!" Or was it; "let them eat cake?" Oh well, never mind. It isn't important. But it does prove yet again how gullible republicans and libertarians are who listen to their favorite shows, "Follow the Leader," with Limbaugh and Beck.
I pine for Cheney; he was such a good man. So secretive, trigger happy. And mean spirited too! :)

You are so smart and the majority of the country is made of stupid people who can't think for themselves. :retard:

That's why America needs clear thinkers like you to tell us whats best for us, to lead us.

(too personal- Gonz)
Best thing I've read on this site in months. Applies to both sides

Gee, I guess there is no possibility that millions of individuals see a similar dark future approaching due to the policies of this administration and are acting of their own accord to protect their own interest?

Fact is: the left is scared to death right now.
Gee, I guess there is no possibility that millions of individuals see a similar dark future approaching due to the policies of this administration and are acting of their own accord to protect their own interest?

Fact is: the left is scared to death right now.

I've said it before. The biggest thing Americans need to be wary of today is Shepherding. Let them smell the wolf ... then offer them a leader, then stampede them and your appointed leader takes them where you want them to go. Even if that leader has the best of intentions, he may be taking the herd to a box canyon.

The problem is that america is made up of too damn many followers.
I'm just following you on the facts and its not easy.



Really? How long are the mods here going to let this idiot make blatant unprovoked personal attacks while adding zero to the discussion?

He's repeatedly proven himself to be incapable of any coherent rational thought and he only trolls time after time.

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