another dumb things kids do...

greenfreak said:
That's what I thought at his age too. Over 10 years later and I'm still childless.
Now that I think on it, my only mistake was marrying a woman who had a child. Never had any of my own (or wanted to).
Wow, it's not just me?! :D You would think Rusty and I are the only couple in the world that don't want kids, the way people react. Like we're doing something wrong by not wanting them. :rolleyes: If more people did what we are, there would be less unwanted or abused children in the world.
greenfreak said:
If more people did what we are, there would be less unwanted or abused children in the world.

Unfortunately that's not the case because the ones who really shouldn't have them do.

I think you should have to prove yourself fit to be a parent before you're allowed to have kids...
Not a bad thought, at all. But I'm quite sure I wouldn't have kids right now if that was the case. I think you learn to be a good parent along the way, it's not something you either have or don't have, and you don't really know what it's like until you do have kids. You can't feel the love for your child til you have a child to love. I know, some of you without kids think you can, but trust me, it's not the same. The level you feel multiplies by the thousands the first moment you lay eyes on your new baby.
Aunty Em said:
greenfreak said:
If more people did what we are, there would be less unwanted or abused children in the world.

Unfortunately that's not the case because the ones who really shouldn't have them do.

I think you should have to prove yourself fit to be a parent before you're allowed to have kids...

Prove it to whom? Most officials I've ever encountered are even more fucked up than I am.
Agree that there's nothing at all wrong with choosing not to have children. We had kids later than most of our circle because I was not completely sure I ever wanted to have them. And deciding on having v2.0 was almost as tough a choice.


PuterTutor said:
Not a bad thought, at all. But I'm quite sure I wouldn't have kids right now if that was the case. I think you learn to be a good parent along the way, it's not something you either have or don't have, and you don't really know what it's like until you do have kids. You can't feel the love for your child til you have a child to love. I know, some of you without kids think you can, but trust me, it's not the same. The level you feel multiplies by the thousands the first moment you lay eyes on your new baby.

...gotta agree here. I never realized how much I would love them until I had them. It is a very different kind of love.

That said, and having known both sides of the coin, it's really an individual choice. The payback can be wonderful, but for every wonderful moment, there is at least one horrific moment so it's not a path that should be taken lightly.
PuterTutor said:
Not a bad thought, at all. But I'm quite sure I wouldn't have kids right now if that was the case. I think you learn to be a good parent along the way, it's not something you either have or don't have, and you don't really know what it's like until you do have kids. You can't feel the love for your child til you have a child to love. I know, some of you without kids think you can, but trust me, it's not the same. The level you feel multiplies by the thousands the first moment you lay eyes on your new baby.

That's the kind of talk that gets people to *want* to have kids. :)

The thing is, people think love is enough. Or they have kids to 'save their marraige'. Or because they feel like they have to. Or because they're lonely and they want a child to mold into an exact replica of themselves or what they wanted to be.

Then they have a child and reality sets in... I just read a story today about a couple who strangled their three children, decapitated them, then cleaned them and put them plastic garbage bags. I'm not saying that everyone resorts to violence like that but if you're already screwed up and you have children, that only makes things worse.
Janimal said: that but if you're already screwed up and you have children, that only makes things worse.

Agree completely. Having children will solve none of life's little (or big) problems. They exacerbate them if anything. Or in some cases, create them.
I got as close I could get to having kids when I lived with my sister and brother in law years ago. My brother in law worked days and my sister worked nights. So when I got home, she and I did a tag team and she would hand off the kids to me. I was alone with them for a couple of hours, and my brother in law would come home and we cared for them together. I was constanly worried about them falling and hitting their little heads (Lex was 3 and DJ was 2) or choking or something and I never relaxed until they were asleep. And even then there were the nightmares, and the time DJ wedged his head between the bed and the toy chest but just sat there, not crying, trying to be a good boy like I told him. I don't know how long he was there but it broke my heart to see him like that.

Or the time, right after I had moved out, that Alexa was sick and my brother in law left a frantic message with her screaming in the background on my machine and when I heard it, I dropped everything and ran over there... She was hysterical, stuttering away and when I walked in, she ran to me and couldn't even get the words out, she was so upset. It took me 15 minutes to get her calmed down but I finally did. And when I went to the store to get her prescription with my bf at the time, he said, "You really don't want to have kids? You're so good with them." :laugh: Even he didn't understand. I love those kids more than I thought possible but that's enough for me, to have them in my life.

I just remembered that that night Alexa was sick was when I had been heating up a big plastic container of sauce in the microwave and when I ran out of the house (I didn't even have shoes on), I forgot about the sauce too. A month later, I opened up the microwave and there it was. Didn't look very good at that point! :sick:
freako104 said:
seeing this thread reinforces my want to not have kids :D

Well, ya see, it's like this. Didya see Monsters Inc? Remember how laughter was 10X as powerful as scream? Well, hugs work like that too. My daughter can be the worst kid imaginable. But when she wraps her arms around my neck, it all goes away. Or when my son giggles after a 2 hour screaming fit. Or when they fall asleep, and look so damn innocent. Or when V2.0 decided it's time something was done with my hair. Or when V3.0 tries to close the door behind me when I'm letting the dog out.

Yeah, it's like that.
when they fall asleep, and look so angelic, yeah...thats what does it for me everytime. :love:
Leslie said:
when they fall asleep, and look so angelic, yeah...thats what does it for me everytime. :love:

Oh yeah... :)

Until I had my daughter I never really knew what love is... I think if we are put on this earth for a purpose or a lesson to learn, then that is mine...

I would gladly die for her...