Bailey's Irish Cream

Coffee Bean

New Member
My girlfriend and I were housesitting her parent's condo. They have a hot-tub in on the back deck.

We sat in it for a while and I dusted off about half a bottle of Bailey's. When I got out of the tub I think my heartrate was 3 bpm. I don't think the blood was flowing at all. I got up a flight of stairs and almost passed out.

Moral is, if you're going to drink, be sure to do it inside and not in a hottub.:confuse3: :confuse3: :confuse3:
Yer not ... the boss of me... *hic* I ... *incoherent grumbling* .. FIVE DOLLARS!? ... get outta here ...

*slumps over drooling and unconscious into a stack of Jack Daniels Single Barrel bottles*

I love you're like the man...but you know sometimes I get real *hic* what? I'm gonna buy this whole place a drink ! What? Dude my best friends dude!! I love this man!!!!!!!
Just wait until they find out you drank their $25, bottle of Bailies :grumpy:
All drinking should be done either in front of the telly during a NASCAR race, or standing with your foot on the rail at the local pub.