BBQ entrances and exits

That's what the car CD player is for! I'm sure Tonksy would love to hear "I Saw an X-Ray of a Girl Passing Gas"! :D
Inkara1 said:
That's what the car CD player is for! I'm sure Tonksy would love to hear "I Saw an X-Ray of a Girl Passing Gas"! :D
I don't get to control the car radio. She may let me do one or two songs, but is certainly not the type to let a myriad of tunes from a single artist play. It has to be a mix.
Just wait til those girls are older, it's either listen to what they want, or listen to the sighs of discontent.
Who's lake, and are there any fish in there? :lloyd:

Note...Just because there are lines in the water, it doesn't mean there are fish in the pond...;)
Mine, and yes...

Prof gave me an ok to post some more pics, so... :p
This is his eldest with one of her catches.
V2.0 is such a sweetie *remembers when she wanted to send me easter eggs or something of the sort*
Leslie said:
butternut! from scratch!

omg that must be better than sex!
I'm getting ready to make this beast.

Pics coming soon....

Here's the recipe I'll be using... Shh, this is...err ... was a secret recipe. :D
Well, we're finally home. For those of you who missed out, you have my pity. There's nothing quite like traveling thousands of miles to meet old friends for the first time. I don't know where to begin thanking my hosts. Should I start with HomeLAN, who's pool provided so much fun, and the opportunity to wage a war? Perhaps Unc, who's dining room went from Phase 10 poker table, to a String Art display? Or Catocom, who's family literally adopted mine without missing a step? Words fail me, which, after meeting me in person, you know doesn't happen often. Suffice it to say, the entire family woke up this morning, looking for a great granite rock, and was a little sadder.

But the memories .... Ah, that's what it's all about. HomeLAN's soft inground pool. Unc's enormous staircase. Cato's lake. The catfish teethmarks still on the back of my thumb. (you did tag and release that fish, didn't ya?) A bunch of guys swilling beer, and looking at each other's engines. V2.0 dancing and giggling as Unc and I haul our fat asses up Stone Mountain in the blazing heat of the middle of the day. Fireworks with friends on the Fourth. Horendous torrents of rain from Cindy, with the fun of tornado warnings (acompanied with actual tornados). The missus is already talking about going back.

On a sadder note. We got home to find that Mum's poor dog had died while we were away.
I'm glad you could come, glad you made it back, and even gladder that you missed the total deluge that was Hurricane Dennis (Cindy wasn't shit).

Y'all are welcome back any time.
So how's the foot? And Cindy was more than sufficient in a tent trailer. It's gonna take a week to dry it out.