Bitch about work thread.

Sawhney89 is a bad kid. I used to think that he was a good kid. He's cutting school like crazy. He just leaves halfway through the day. Around noon, he just walks out of the building.

He wants me to call during lunch, but I dunno if she'll get a chance to read it, because it's only about 90 minutes into her shift. I think that I'll wait until after school.

Of course, there's also the possibility that she calls me.

Oh, the suspense!
Sawhney89 is a bad kid. I used to think that he was a good kid. He's cutting school like crazy. He just leaves halfway through the day. Around noon, he just walks out of the building.

He wants me to call during lunch, but I dunno if she'll get a chance to read it, because it's only about 90 minutes into her shift. I think that I'll wait until after school.

Of course, there's also the possibility that she calls me.

Oh, the suspense!

I get tired.
His business selling pot on the side.

Yesterday, he told me that he smoked it once, last weekend.

Today, he told me that he's only smoked it three or four times.

He's a bad kid.
Ok, so I called.

She thinks that she will be busy on Thursday, and isn't sure what she's doing next week (she is a rather busy person). She's not sure if she wants to see "The Departed" but she appreciates the offer and thought that it was nice of me. She wanted to know the next time that I would be in, which is Friday, however, it won't be until an hour after she leaves.

I'm going to look at the movies section in the newspaper and see what's out that we might like, and see what days work for her, then call her friday (or come in a little early and see her) and find out if there's a certain day that she's available.

So, I asked a girl out, and she didn't say "no".

I've seen you eat. If you're trying to convince me that your stomach's sensitive in any way, you'll have to do better than that. Remember, I've seen your ex wife.

sheesh - sounds dodgy to me ...

hard? :D

been there as a teenager asking a girl to the flicks ...

Inkara's stomach?

nuff said! ;)

(nuff' eaten probably too! :grinyes: )


nice post!
If you get tired of school, who are you expecting to support you once you turn 18?

I only miss..

Advance Marketing (joke class... teacher does not care... 6 kids in the class.. we talk the entire time)
Journalism II (this is a class reserved for only newspaper kids... If you do not want to do the work at home you do it then, in class..)

I do not really miss much... I am there for all my important classes.
I guess New Jersey isn't one of the places where parents can be sent to jail for their kids' truancy.
ain't it south jersey???

was JD ever on here btw? miss lunch??

FIE ..i say ;)

that's not truancy ..that's carelessness!

get ya priorities right! ;)

best, BB
I bet he was....

I was too nervous/excited/scared to think about sex.

I mean, she's hot, but I like her because she's a really interesting and great person. I would certainly like her to remove some plaster from my ceiling, but that's not why I'm trying to date her, and that's not what I'm thinking about when I'm talking to her.

She did ask me to stick up for her if I hear people talking shit, which I will do.

Who knows, if I'm lucky, I can politely request that they stop talking about her behind her back, especially things that aren't true, and maybe they'll stop. Everyone there likes me. Hopefully, people like me more than they dislike her.

If that doesn't work, at least she knows that I like her and that I'm backing her up.

sheesh - sounds dodgy to me ...
The advice came from weeks of reading his fears and hesitations in asking her face to face. You see, BB, he is a young fella who wants to woo a gal for the first time. So I told him to send her an e-card. The man I'm with now and forever asked me via e-mail :) It's the current trend :)

Good for you, T. I'm glad you finally did it :)
I admit that I kinda hoped that she would be like "Yeah! Definetly!" and be really excited about it.

But then, I kinda feared that she would be like "No way, you're way too young and I don't really like you."

So, I'd say it's a pretty happy middle ground. She wasn't as enthusiastic as I had hoped, but I knew that it was probably unrealistic. On the whole, I think that she was pretty receptive towards it. She didn't say "I don't want to go", she said "I would like to go, but I'm not sure when I can". So all I gotta do is get down a list of decent movies, come in and chat with her for a bit, and see when she's available.

She might be a bit hesitant, but at least I got it out there that I want to take her out to see a movie.

I'm just so excited and happy now. I overcame (well, more of sidestepped, since I never actually asked her out face to face) my nervousness, and she was pretty receptive.

I think that it will help when I stick up for her, and when I actually come in to see her. I'm not a big fan of phone conversations. I'm big on facial expressions, and I always find myself trying to use facial expressions to make a point on the phone, and it not working.
And now you're starting to know women. Considering what you said, I think there's a 98% that my prediction will be correct. I won't say it, I don't want to spoil the fun of you finding out ;)