Blind Karma


Well-Known Member
unclehobart said:
When someone tags you with bad karma and it points back to something innocuous or unconfrontational, its just people grinding old grudges and attacking from the safety of anonymity giving them the freedom to knife you in the back constantly from the shadows and not having to justify themsleves to your face. Some people never got past the third grade childish spite phase it would seem.

I for one would like to see the whole karma thing excised as it can only serve to drive the wedges of hatred deeper and faster and reinforce the schizms that cause people to want to bail out.

For someone who keeps getting negative karma out of the blue i agree.


Capitalizing Bastich
See, damnit F--U--R-y:)D), im telling you, you need to trashthe karma

people who hold grudges against other people will go nuts, its bad

ive seen it happen on other forums, in the end, people just stopped coming by


Staff member
Would it be any better if I allowed people to hide their karma? That way, everyone could hide their karma and only the people with lots of karma would show it and we'd end up all looking like karma whores. :tardbang:

What about requiring a comment, or a karma justification thingy? Like if you get a good karma for a bad post or a bad karma for a good post, you can report it for review by an admin?


Well-Known Member
fury said:
What about requiring a comment, or a karma justification thingy? Like if you get a good karma for a bad post or a bad karma for a good post, you can report it for review by an admin?

That sounds like a plan but it seems to be to be too much stress on you with people reporting karma problems all the time. Though i do like the "must leave a comment justifying your actions" idea.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
The required comment thing is a good idea, except you could still just type fuckwit if you wanted to. I say just leave it alone.


New Member
Requiring a comment is cool but they could probably just get around it by putting a period in it or something if they really didn't want to say anything. So I don't know if that would really work.

You might have something with turning it off though. Kinda like an ignore feature for karma. The ignore feature can be a beautiful thing. :)


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Actually, I think you should get with OSLI and work up a formula for Karma rather than user given or taken away. Base it on the average length of the post, the times it was viewed, replied to, etc... Then you could also have an override post button on the admin/mod side to exclude big copy/paste jobs. Whip all that up and get back to me in 10. :)

* Still looking for a way to "borrow" sexual favors so I have some way of compensating fury for me being such a demanding bitch.


Staff member
Well, I'm way too busy to whip up a complete replacement to the karma system, but I did give in to a few of your demands ;)

There is now an option to not display your karma. You'll still be able to get it, but people won't see your score. And the user spread has been lowered to 5 from 10.


New Member
translation=no. :D

*humps fury once for PT* :banana2:

*humps fury twice for me* :banana2: :banana2:

*will hump fury three times if he adds that thingy in where you can see how many points were given or taken away with each karma listing* :nanabang:


Staff member
I have received 3 bad karmas for posts that are were just following the trend of the convo or asking for clarification on something that was said. Not even given a reason :(