Create a story


Staff member
Make your post at least 2 sentences, and follow the story wherever it seems to end up. :headbang:

Once upon a time, there was a little dwarf named sbcanada. She liked to play with dolls.
sbcanada was one fat, mean ol' bitch. one day, she saw fury and his bf walking down the street, and so she got pissed off at their queerness and ate them both whole.
sbcanada was one fat, mean ol' bitch. one day, she saw fury and his bf walking down the street, and so she got pissed off at their queerness and ate them both whole.
Meanwhile, flurffmeister, with his definitely ungay sexuality, notices that sbcanada's sister is one hot babe. Perfect measurements, personality, and an extremely sexy walk. He walks up to her, performs his patented ladies man technique, and manages to get her in the sack. They end up having passionate sex for 40 days and 40 nights. :headbang:

After sbcanada was done picking fury and his bf's flesh out of her teeth with fury's tail bone, she decided to go for a drink. So she headed to the mall.....
feeling jealous about fury and his bf, so she got to the mall and bought some vodka to get drunk....
but she isn't old enough to drink, so she got mad and ripped all the heads off her dollies. Then cried.
So she proceed to get drunk, ignoring that she isn't old enough....
The explosion was massive, but only the good die young. So she lived, but she's all fucked up now.
And she could only get a job: scratch fury's ass. She was doing her job when suddenly....
Her face looks like it caught fire and someone put it out with a chain.....but she still has a quality about her.
I wouldn't classify stupidity as a quality. She does wear a ridiclous halloween mask now, it's a clown face.
and Nixy kicks SB's sister's ass because fury is HER man and NOBODY else should be in the sack with him. Then Nixy proceeds to give fury kisses all over.
but, the evil clown mask gave secret powers to sb, but she wasn't aware of it until she saw Nixy's horniness over fury