crumbs in my bed


New Member
i can usually find breadcrumbs, dry crusty ones from toast, the occasional cookie crumb and if friends have been over i could probably find a potato chip or two somewhere in my bed :disgust2:
surely i can't be the only one in the world who has the problem
(oh yeah, and there's also alot of tobacco bits floating around)
Erm, this is just a suggestion........a crackpot theory prolly....I'm not claiming to be an expert on this kinda situation...

But change the bedsheets.
Hey, here's another crazy, from outa left field, whack suggestion (to go with Oz's) - how 'bout "Don't eat in bed" (and especially don't eat your friends in bed - great way of preventing them from crumbling all over the place) :shrug:
AlphaTroll said:
"Don't eat in bed" (and especially don't eat your friends in bed - great way of preventing them from crumbling all over the place) :shrug:
Also a good way to keep the police away from your house - don't be responsible for disappearing friends! And especially don't have evidence in your bed.
(Sorry Alpha, I couldn't resist!) :rofl4:
now you know its easy to get rid of evidence ;) and they could be on their way home or whatever when they dissapear ;)\

i dont eat in my bed and i usually wont let others sit on my bed unless they ask. or ill offer them. but if they do no eating for them(but i can eat :D)
AlphaTroll said:
"Don't eat in bed" (and especially don't eat your friends in bed - great way of preventing them from crumbling all over the place) :shrug:

If yer eating friends in bed.......tis best to dunk them in tea first, once they are wet they won't crumble ;)
c'mon guys, surely there has been times where you've eaten in bed, what about those lusty breakfasts in bed with your love? the food always ends up everywhere and anywhere besides your mouth :brow: but i'll go with this excuse-
unclehobart said:
Blame the cat. Prolly been swiping food and eating in on your bed.
he's probably the one that farted too cause i know that wasn't me ;) (but since i now don't have a cat i'll have to blame the phantom pussy that appears late at night:winkkiss: )
breaky said:
he's probably the one that farted too cause i know that wasn't me ;) (but since i now don't have a cat i'll have to blame the phantom pussy that appears late at night:winkkiss: )


Words fail me.............
c'mon guys, surely there has been times where you've eaten in bed, what about those lusty breakfasts in bed with your love? the food always ends up everywhere and anywhere besides your mouth but i'll go with this excuse-

nope. and no lover either :mope:
Well, not anymore, but back in the day I had some CRUMBS in my bed, just hurried up and and brushed them out in the morning :lol: