Gross! Most men don't wash with soap after the toilet


Staff member
People are more likely to wash their hands properly after using the toilet if they are shamed into it or think they are being watched, scientists said on Thursday.

Hand-washing is the cheapest way of controlling disease but less than one-third of men and two-thirds of women wash their hands with soap after going to the toilet, a British study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine showed.


No news that I'm not most men, eh? Probably most men figure that since they didn't wash it before sticking it in their GF's mouth, there's no probl.
In public restrooms I figure the mechanical equipment it takes to wash with are more of health threat than my Johnson. If the door handle is sticky or feels wrong, I will wash my hands before I handle my Johnson.
Hand sanitizer.
She keeps a bottle in her purse and I keep one in the car. I'm not touching anything in public restrooms and I am far from a germaphobe.
I'm adamant about washing when in the house.
I grew up in a dental type family, and not only use soap, but a brush.
I admit I used to not be too concerned about it until I go hepatitis, then
also started raising kids, cooking more...
Hand-washing is the cheapest way of controlling disease but less than one-third of men and two-thirds of women wash their hands with soap after going to the toilet, a British study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine showed.

That is what is visible, what is invisible and could probably be a greater source of diseases is if anyone ever considers washing their hands BEFORE.

If I was given the choice of either washing before or after I'd choose before, I'm not going to grab my penis with dirty hands, and since I'm certain it is clean I'd have less of a problem not washing my hands afterwards.

On number 2, well that's plainly disgusting if you don't wash your hands after.
I don't think it's so much the issue of handling your own plumbing & not washing your hands, it's the handling of toilet doors, etc, which HAVE been handled by number-2-y hands. :eh:
One would assume you know where your (assoted parts go here) has been. That cannot be said for your hands. Wash before makes sense. (unless you miss a lot)
Did I mention the flush button? People crap, change their tampons, god knows what else, and then THEY FLUSH THE FLUSHER BUTTON. And then they open the door. And then they use the taps. And --- and... *splodes*
Yeah, it is pretty awesome how you turn on the water, wash your hands with soap, and then touch the same handle you touched with your dirty hands.

They do make faucets with foot pedals, and they do make faucets that you push to turn on and it shuts off by itself, and they do make faucets with infrared detectors that turn on the water when your hands are under it.

They're doing similar things with the paper towel dispensers and air hand dryers.
At least bathrooms are cleaned regularly...which is more than can be said about banisters on stairs, door handles, bank-machine buttons, shopping-carts, etc etc...
I try not to shake hands with: THEM!

If I can't avoid it, I close my eyes and hope for the dry, calloused, grip of a real man......
At least we're only holding the outside flesh, sweetheart .... not polishing the sewer after every go.